Syndrome of autonomic dysfunction in adults and children: symptoms and treatment
To date, the most common disease among somatic has become a syndrome of autonomic dysfunction (SVD), more familiar as a vegeto-vascular dystonia.
Doctors still can not decide,which specialist should constantly observe patients with such a syndrome - a therapist (if it is an adult), a pediatrician (children), a psychiatrist, a neurologist, an endocrinologist or a cardiologist. This is due to the fact that the patient with this disease usually has many different complaints.
Causes of the disease may beheredity, chronic heart and vascular disease, endocrine system, nervous system, problems in pregnancy and childbirth, which lead to brain damage, inactivity and chronic stress.
Very often the syndrome of autonomic dysfunctionarises against a background of a neurosis. As a result of severe stress, the traumatizing situation is unconsciously superseded by the human psyche and, as a result of this displacement, a neurotic state appears, often "beating" the internal organs.
How is vegetative dystonia syndrome manifested?
- Cardiovascular syndrome. In other words, cardiovascular. The patient has a violation of the heart rhythm in the form of tachycardia, bradycardia or extrasystole, pressure jumps, pallor or marbling of the skin, often become cold extremities. Periodically cause discomfort in the region of the heart aching pain, not associated with the load.
- Hyperventilation syndrome. There is not enough air for the person, breathing is quicker, too much carbon dioxide is removed from the blood, resulting in dizziness, muscle spasms and loss of sensitivity in the limbs and the area around the mouth.
- Irritable bowel syndrome. Frequent urge in the toilet, abdominal pain, swelling, nausea and vomiting.
- Violation of thermoregulation. This syndrome is more common in children and manifests as chills or an unreasonable increase in temperature.
- Children experience sleep disorders, fatigue, meteosensitivity and a tendency to frequent colds and allergies.
More often than not, SVD is manifested in heart problems. In general, this disease is difficult to diagnose, so the patient is sent immediately to several specialists to collect data on the work of his body. An electrocardiogram for cardiac rhythm check and cardiointervalography is mandatory.
Treatment of the syndrome of autonomic dysfunction
Syndrome of autonomic dysfunction in children is violatedwork of many internal organs. As a result, he develops dyskinesia of the digestive tract, genitourinary system, changes in the work of the heart and blood vessels. If the syndrome of autonomic dysfunction of the nervous system is not treated and prevented from doing so, then in time it can develop into more familiar diseases - urolithiasis, hypertension, cholelithiasis. Thus, we understand that all adult problems originate in infancy and childhood. Therefore, SVD should be treated seriously and comprehensively. There are also no medications. These include:
- Full nutrition, normalization of the regime of the day. It is necessary to sleep at least eight hours a day
- Three-hour walks in the street, prevention of sedentary lifestyle
- Swimming, hardening
- Acupuncture, electrosleep, physiotherapy
- Limitation of emotional and intellectual stress
Adults should adhere to a healthy lifestyle, give up smoking and alcohol, and also start breathing exercises or yoga.
If you heard from a pediatrician such a diagnosis asa syndrome of vegetative dystonia (vegeto-vascular dystonia), do not start to buy medicines, but try to revise the regime of the day and the diet of the baby. And only if this does not work, you will have to treat your child with medicines under the supervision of a doctor.