Red spots on the chest: causes and treatment
Red spots on the chest
The appearance of red spots on any part of the body, and especially on the chest, is very alarming to any person. There are quite a lot of reasons for their appearance.
If you have allergic spots onbreasts, this may be the result of wearing unsuitable underwear, the use of harmful detergent powder or the use of some kind of food (for example, such as honey, nuts or chocolate).
It happens that the red spots on the chest occurbecause of the reaction to drugs, antibiotics. Independently to solve a problem it is impossible in any case, is better to address to the doctor-dermatologist. If you wait for them to pass by themselves, you will make it even worse. Spots will begin to grow and spread throughout the skin.
Sometimes due to stressful situationsitchy whole body, there are red spots on the chest. In this case, the dermatologist does not help, it is necessary to contact a neurologist. He will just prescribe to you sedatives, after taking it all will pass. Spots that begin to spread throughout the body and merge with each other, are signs of autonomic dysfunction. To get rid of this, doctors recommend physical exercises and a contrast shower. If you have diseases of internal organs or blood vessels, red spots on your chest, neck and face may also appear. In this case, urgent consultation with a doctor is necessary, which will prescribe the correct treatment. Eczema also manifests itself in the form of red scaly spots. They are scattered all over the body, including the face. Treatment of this disease is carried out under the supervision of a dermatologist.
Treatment of red spots
Having discovered a dubious spot on the body, not everyone immediately turns to the doctor. People first buy ointments and drugs of dubious origin, and