Red scales on the body: lichen and other types of mycoses
To a special group of risk are those people,which for a long time do not descend red flaky spots on the body. So the fungal infection, eczema and allergy manifest themselves. The first of these diseases today will focus your attention, but with repeated rashes on your hands and feet after eating food, carbonated drinks, juices and medicines, you should contact an allergist.

Mycosis is a group of diseases,which cause pathogenic microscopic fungi. They parasitize on the skin of a man or an animal, they feed not only on the epidermis, but also on the particles of the nail plates. At the same time, proteins (the products of their vital activity) can cause a living creature an allergic reaction - red flaky spots on the body.

Pink lichen
It is considered a viral disease. One of the reasons for its occurrence is the reactivation of herpesviruses of the sixth or seventh type, and its provoking factor is the infection of the upper respiratory tract. The pink lichen on the human body shows itself unequivocally: these are red, scaly patches on the body that constantly itch. Their treatment is carried out by antiviral drugs, which reduce the amount of rashes, reducing them to none.
Shingles Herpes
With shingles (herpes) on the reddenedareas of the skin appear groups of vesicles that hurt in localized areas. Uninformed citizens often confuse them with dermatitis, therefore, self-medication only worsen the situation.
Peregrine lichen
Calls him Malassezia. This fungus affects large areas, and there are red scaly patches on the body only in the chest and back. That it is a fungus, you can not guess right away. This kind of spots is very similar to those that appear in cases of syphilis. Do not panic, looking at the red flaky spots on the body and sinning on the sexual partner, it is better to visit the dermatovenerologist.
Flat lichen
Scaly patches on the body with tubercles of violet tint have polycyclic outlines. This deprivation affects not only the skin, but also the oral cavity, intimate places, hairline, nails.

Inguinal dermatophytosis
Scaly spots on the skin appear in the areahips, pubic area and groin. Plaques resembling arcs, flake, forming at the edges pustules and papules. The skin of the trunk and face are also affected. On the last plaque, they elevate their edges, clearly delineating the affected area.
Preventive measures
Prevention of all fungal diseases is an importantstate event, since pathogenic fungi are able to withstand the environment. They are not afraid of high temperature, some disinfectants, can "sleep" for years "inside" shoes, in parts of the epidermis. They feel great on wet mats in baths, in solariums, gyms and a swimming pool. If you are going to a sauna with friends, be sure to use an antifungal ointment, such as Exoderil, as a prophylaxis after her visit. After drying your feet, treat the interdigital space and feet.