/ / Medicinal for the liver "Liv 52". Instructions for use.

Medicinal for the liver "Liv 52". Instructions for use.

The medicine "Liv 52" is a hepatoprotectoran improved action that stimulates regeneration of the hepatic parenchyma, improves liver function, removes the inflammatory response. This drug is made exclusively from plant components, which is why it is safe for all organs and body systems.

The drug has a fairly wide range of applications in gastroenterology and narcology and can be used even for the treatment of liver pathologies in children.

"Liv 52" preparation: instructions for use

The drug consists of a mixture of extracts: seeds of wild chicory, black nightshade, western cassia, yarrow seeds and some other plants with a strong regenerative and anti-inflammatory effect.

Also in the dosage form are substances,contributing to the improvement of the splitting and absorption of the "Liv 52" preparation. Instructions for use describe in sufficient detail about which plants were used to make the medicine and how many.

The medication is available in a plastic vial100 tablets in each. This amount is due to the minimum duration of taking the drug (the recommended course is 100 tablets). For children, a special sweet syrup is produced that contains similar ingredients.

The main indications for the appointment of the drug "Liv 52"

Instructions for use severely restricts the range of diseases in which this drug is effective, among them:

- liver damage by viruses and their toxins;

- cirrhosis of the liver, including alcoholic etiology;

- fatty degeneration of the hepatic parenchyma;

- drug and radiation damage to the liver in children and adults, as well as the prevention of these diseases;

- with diseases accompanied by a strong effect on the liver;

- biliary dyskinesia.

Thus, we can say that for allliver diseases of a non-tumor nature is justified taking the drug "Liv 52". Instructions for use, says that this drug stimulates hemopoiesis (mainly the formation of erythrocytes). Accordingly, the remedy will be effective in anemia and exhaustion of the body (anorexia).

The ability of a drug to synthesize proteins necessary for the renewal of damaged hepatic tissue makes it virtually indispensable for various poisoning by poisonous substances.

"Liv 52" preparation: how to take, possible complications during taking the medicine

It is necessary to follow the instructions exactlyinstructions and observe the age-related dosage of the drug. Children over the age of fourteen years and adults need a minimum of 6 tablets per day (2 tablets 3 times a day). If the lesion is very extensive or there is a long-term process, then you can increase the dosage to eight tablets per day.

Children under the age of 14 years (after 5 years) are best given a twice-reduced dosage, i.e. one tablet three times a day.

The length of the course of therapy is determined depending on the severity of the process, the state of the immune system, the age of the patient and directly from the etiology of the disease.

Side effects

The medicine "Liv 52" has only one side effect - it's dyspepsia after taking the drug.

Perhaps the emergence of allergic reactions against the background of its reception, but this is not a side effect, but rather a consequence of intolerance of any substance of the drug.


- Hypersensitivity to the composition of the drug.

- Children under 5 years.

- Pregnancy and lactation.

The drug is absolutely safe for the elderly and weakened people and can be used in this group as a treatment and prevention of liver diseases.

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