/ / Medicinal product "Livolin forte" - effective protection of the liver

Medicinal product "Livolin forte" - effective protection of the liver

The drug "Livin forte" is a tool used for the treatment of digestive disorders.

Pharmacological properties

Multivitamin medicines includevitamins B and E, essential phospholipids, which improve the functioning of the liver, normalize fat metabolism in cells, regulate the production of enzyme systems and receptors.

lyvolin forte
Advantage of "Livolin Fort" medicationlies in the fact that, in comparison with other hepatoprotectors, it not only enhances the action of phospholipids, but also protects and maintains the liver. B group vitamins are involved in carbohydrate metabolism, respiration of cells, exchange of amino acids, proteins, in the development of nucleotides. "Livolin Fort" improves the liver, restores the structure of hepatocytes, inhibits the formation of connective tissue, regulates fat and carbohydrate metabolism. The drug is well absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, processed in the liver and small intestine. The preparation is in the form of gelatin capsules.

Indications for use

The agent "Livolin forte" is prescribed for patients withliver diseases: fatty dystrophy caused by diabetes, chronic infections. The medication is used for various etiologies of hepatitis (acute and chronic), toxic damage to the body as a result of taking alcohol or medicines, liver cirrhosis. Vitamin "Livolin forte" can be taken to women during pregnancy to eliminate toxicosis, as well as patients with radiation syndrome, psoriasis, patients before the surgery of bile ducts and after surgery. The drug is effective in the complex therapy of liver damage in somatic diseases.

Livonin Fort reviews

Drug "Livolin forte": instructions for use

The medication should be consumed during meals,Do not grind or chew the capsules. The therapy lasts more than three months, if necessary, repeat the course. Adults and adolescents over 12 years are required to take the medicine three times a day for one capsule.

Side effects

Usually the remedy Livonin Fort is goodis transferred. In rare cases, when using vitamins, nausea, allergies, discomfort in epigastrium occur. Information about the possibility of an overdose and its negative consequences are absent.

livolin forte instructions
Contraindications for use

It is forbidden to use medicament "Livolinforte, hypersensitivity, children under the age of twelve, women during lactation. During pregnancy, use the medicine is allowed.

"Livolin Fort": reviews

Patients talk about the effectiveness of the drug. So, some patients with liver problems indicate that after using vitamins they experienced relief - after a three-week medication the pains decreased noticeably. Many people are pleased with the affordable price of the drug at its high efficiency. The cost of capsules is 270 rubles.

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