Medicinal product "Fukortsin". Instructions for use
The drug "Fukortsin" is a medicala combined agent that finds application as an antiseptic, and is also used for disinfection. Prescribe this medicine and for some diseases of the skin, which are fungal in nature. Has a drug "Fukorcin" composition, which includes several components. It contains phenol, boric acid, resorcinol, fuchsin, ethyl alcohol, and also distilled water.
Medicinal product "Fukortsin", instruction onthe use of which describes this drug, is produced by the pharmacological industry in the form of a solution, sold in glass bottles having a capacity of either ten or twenty five milliliters. The liquid has a dark red color due to the presence of fuchsin. It is this element that is a synthetic coloring material. The drug has a sharp specific smell of phenol, reminiscent of gouache.
Medicinal product "Fukortsin", instruction onthe use of which indicates its group affiliation, is an antiseptic and disinfectant. In addition, a drug for antifungal and antimicrobial therapy is prescribed. It is also recommended for drying the skin and achieving a tanning effect. It is used externally.
The "Fukortzin" solution, the instruction to which describes the main area of its application, is prescribed for the treatment of various skin diseases:
- shallow wounds;
- cracks;
A drug is prescribed for preventionand the treatment of mucous membranes that have foci of damage caused by pathogenic microelements that show sensitivity to the components of the drug.
Antimicrobial action of the components of the drugmanifested with infectious lesions of the skin, antifungal - in the presence of pathogenic fungi, and drying is effective in the presence of diaper rash and rash pustular nature. Widely used medicine with chicken pox. In contrast to traditional zelenok, this drug is able to quickly dry out inflammatory foci, as well as to have a stronger antimicrobial effect. Recommend the drug "Fukortsin" and with stomatitis. Given the presence of phenol, they are smeared directly with ulcer formations.
Medicinal product "Fukortsin", instruction onthe use of which describes the way it is used, is recommended for application to affected areas of the skin with a cotton swab or a glass rod. The frequency of treatment procedures is up to five times during the day. After the skin has dried, a gel or ointment is applied to it. The use of the drug "Fukortsin" does not carry any danger in case of its careful use. The drug is not applied to large areas of the skin, since phenol, which is its constituent, has the ability to easily enter the bloodstream and is capable of causing poisoning. When using the drug, it is necessary to touch at least the areas that are unaffected to the lesion.
Medicinal product "Fukortsin", instruction onthe use of which indicates undesirable effects that can cause its use, is not recommended for individual sensitivity of the skin to the components of the drug, as well as for chronic dermatosis. If any symptoms of allergic reactions are detected, the medication is stopped. This drug is not prescribed for pregnant women, as well as for lactating women.