/ / The drug "Tonzilgon". Instructions for use

The medicine "Tonzilgon". Instructions for use

The drug "Tonzilgon" refers toextensive pharmacological group of phytopreparations. The main active components of this medicine are extracts from a variety of medicinal plants. Finds the drug "Tonzylgon" as an anti-inflammatory, as well as immunostimulating agent. The main effect on the body of the drug is due to the complex effect of all its constituent elements.

Drug "Tonzilgon", instruction forthe application of which acquaints us with its composition, includes an extract obtained from the leaves of walnut, altea root, as well as the flowers of chamomile and the oak bark. The main active substances are also herbs dandelion, horsetail and yarrow. Contains essential oils and flavonoids, saponins and glycosides, tannins and polysaccharides, microelements and pectins, as well as vitamins.

The natural extract, obtained from the root of the althaea,helps to reduce the intensity of cough, deactivating the irritants of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system. Dandelion restores the body's immune forces, and chamomile acts as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial, antispasmodic and antiviral, antioxidant and antiulcer, as well as an antiallergic agent. Extract obtained from walnut leaves, tones, and extract from horsetail eliminates inflammatory processes. Yarrow herb included in the drug, is able to have bactericidal and hemostatic, choleretic and anti-inflammatory, as well as antiulcer effect on the body. Oak bark serves as an active antioxidant. It is also an astringent substance.

The drug "Tonzilgon", the instruction for its use describes its basic forms, is made in the form of drops and tablets. The preparation is intended for oral use.

The medicine "Tonzilgon" (instruction onapplication explains in detail the main area of ​​his testimony) is prescribed if there is a risk of chronic pharyngitis and laryngitis, as well as tonsillitis. All these diseases are pathologies of the upper respiratory tract. Also, the drug is recommended for taking preventive measures aimed at reducing the risk of complications in the rehabilitation process, which follows viral respiratory diseases. The drug is prescribed in combination with the use of antibiotic medications.

Drug "Tonzilgon", instruction forthe use of which warns about possible undesirable reactions during its use, indicates the risk of minor allergy symptoms. It is not recommended to prescribe a phytocomplex to patients suffering from alcoholism, and also to children under the age of seven. Do not use the drug with individual intolerance to its components. Particular care should be taken when receiving patients suffering from various liver diseases. "Tonzilgon" - a drug that is recommended regardless of food intake. During the exacerbation of the disease, adult patients should take twenty-five drops of phyto-drugs or two tablets at a time. It is recommended to use the medicine up to six times a day. After eliminating the exacerbation, the number of receptions is reduced to three. The course of treatment should last at least seven days.

Pregnant women, as well as breastfeeding mothers should strictly adhere to the doctor's recommendations to avoid pathological processes due to the use of the drug.

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