/ / Biologically active additive "Narine". Reviews about her

Biologically active additive "Narine". Reviews about her

Dry product "Narine" is a lyophilizeda living culture of acidophilic lactic acid bacteria. It is from it that the starter is prepared, which serves as the basis for obtaining a sour-milk product, which is successfully used in medical and infant nutrition. This biologically active supplement can be taken at any age, it is equally beneficial for her to affect both infants and adults. In addition, "Narine" is used as a means of combating dysbacteriosis, its consequences, as well as for the prevention of the disease. For the normalization of the microbial biocenosis of the intestine, the use of "Narine" is also justified. Testimonials of the patients receiving the remedy indicate that it significantly improves digestion. This is due to lactobacilli contained in dietary supplements. It is under their influence that vital enzymes, amino acids begin to be released, the synthesis of vitamins and folic acid improves. In addition, "Narine" promotes the digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Good ligating bacteria in the intestine are resistant to the effects of many chemotherapeutic drugs and antibiotics, since they are its natural inhabitants. The body significantly improves the assimilation of various trace elements, including calcium and iron, increases resistance to toxic, infectious and other agents, all thanks to the "Narine" nutritional supplement. Reviews about it confirm how useful its use is. Indications for the use of the product are:

  • Staphylococcal infection, salmonellosis, dysentery, enterocolitis;
  • dysfunctional intestinal disorder due to the use of hormones, radiation and chemotherapy, antibiotics;
  • treatment and prevention of intestinal dysbiosis;
  • neurodermatitis, atopic dermatitis, exudative diathesis, there is a positive effect in the complex treatment of eczema with the help of "Narine", patients' testimonies are evidence of this;
  • parodontosis, diabetes, treatment of gynecological diseases;
  • work in industries with harmful working conditions;
  • correction of intestinal microflora after exposure to ionizing radiation (in small doses).

Means are used and as an additional foodfor infants (weakened, premature babies, mothers with low hemoglobin in the blood or with negative rhesus), and as a substitute for mother's milk.

Application of "Narine", reviews confirm this, it is effective in case of defeat of mucous membranes and skin. Locally used for:

  • conjunctivitis, otitis, sinusitis, nasopharyngeal diseases;
  • diseases of the oral cavity, tonsillitis (for streaks);
  • parodontosis (for applications);
  • umbilical infections of newborns (compresses, bandages), postoperative suppuration, mastitis, furuncles, nipple cracks, purulent wounds, burns, skin inflammations, external wounds;
  • urological, proctologic diseases (syringing, tampons, baths), gynecological diseases such as colpitis, vaginitis;

"Narine Forte." Instructions

The sour-milk product "Narine Forte", produced in hermetic bottles, is used:

  • with a reduced acidity of the stomach (the duration of the course is determined depending on individual characteristics) - taken before meals;
  • for the removal of alcohol intoxication - in a glass(100-150 ml) of mineral carbonated table water ("Essentuki", "Karachinskaya", etc.) stir three tablespoons of "Narine-forte" - the drink is taken;
  • Locally (vaginally) - the tampon is impregnated with a diluted fermented milk product (10-15 ml) in the same amount of warm water and injected for 4 to 6 hours into the vagina;
  • rectally (microclysters) - the daily dose of the product is diluted with warm water in an amount of 30 to 50 ml.

"Narine" instruction recommends usingcomplex with other drugs, but a good therapeutic effect is ensured and with self-application. Equally effective is the drug in dry, sour-milk and dissolved form. Use natural preparations and be healthy!

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