/ / Pressure 150 per 100 - this is the first sign of the development of hypertensive disease

Pressure 150 per 100 - this is the first sign of the development of hypertension

Hypertensive disease is a disease, withwhich often increases blood pressure. Its causes are often stresses, somatic diseases and some diseases of the internal organs, which lead to a decrease in the tone of the vessels. Previously, hypertension was found mainly after forty years, today the disease is noticeably younger, and now the pressure of 150 to 100 is often found in people of young age. Today, hypertension is one of the main causes of disability and mortality in patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Causes of hypertension

Often, the causes of hypertensiondiseases are long-term stress, prolonged neuropsychiatric disorders, a strong emotional tension. Today, the pressure of 150 to 90 can be found in young people who have suffered craniocerebral injuries, this fact may be the first sign of hypertensive disease. Hereditary predisposition is also a prerequisite for the onset of hypertension, in which case the probability of developing the disease increases several times. Hypodinamy is also one of the reasons for the development of hypertensive disease, in the case of inactive people, aging of the vessels eventually takes place, they become less elastic and elastic. Sometimes there is a spasm of blood vessels, this dangerous condition can turn into a patient for a heart attack or stroke. In some cases, the causes of hypertension may be the restructuring of the female body in menopause, in which case women should listen more closely to their body. The first signs of the disease and the pressure of 150 to 100 - this is a serious reason to call a doctor.

Symptoms of hypertension

The main symptom of hypertensionis a headache. This is not surprising, because the pressure of 150 per 100 occurs with spasm of cerebral vessels. Often, this causes noise in the ears, general weakness, sleep disturbance, sight in front of eyes, heaviness in the head, palpitations. Such symptoms are often neurotic in character and are early signs of hypertension. At later stages of hypertension, heart failure, decreased visual acuity, thrombosis and cerebral hemorrhage may develop. The hypertensive crisis is a serious complication of hypertension, it can occur because of a sharp increase in blood pressure. At the same time, there may be nausea, vomiting, decreased vision, excessive sweating, a frequent pulse, sometimes loose stools and rapid urination. Sometimes a crisis can be accompanied by severe pain in the heart, a decrease in the sensitivity of the limbs, speech impairment.

Degrees of hypertension

The first stage of hypertensive diseaseimplies the absence of changes in other bodies and systems. The patient often does not experience any health problems, only a pressure of 150 to 100 indicates that the patient has the first signs of hypertension. The first stage is characterized by the jump in blood pressure to 150 by 90. At the same time, the pressure can rise to the indicated figures and return to normal.

The second stage of hypertensive diseaseassumes the presence of foci in one or more target organs. This stage is often characterized by pronounced symptoms: attacks of angina, headaches, sleep disturbances, dyspnoea and disability. The second stage is the pressure in the range of 160 to 100, with the pressure rising often and very rarely normalizing.

The third stage of hypertensive disease (severe) -this is a combination of associated or concomitant conditions, such as angina and heart rhythm disturbances. The third stage is a rise in pressure to 180 per 100 or more. A man is accustomed to living with such pressure almost constantly, and a decrease in figures can mean interruptions in the work of the heart muscle.

Prognosis in patients with essential hypertensionenvy not only on the level of pressure. For example, a patient can maintain a blood pressure of 150 to 110 for a while, but the presence of concomitant factors will speak of the development of the disease. In any case, the outcome of the disease will depend on the tactics of the doctor and on how thoroughly and carefully the patient fulfills all his purposes.

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