/ / Charozetta remedy. Reviews, description, application

The tool "Charozetta". Reviews, description, application

"Charosette" remedy (description of the preparationcontains such information) is a contraceptive progestogen-inhibiting drug that suppresses ovulation. The medication promotes a change in the composition of cervical mucus, lowers the concentration of estradiol to those that are characteristic of the early follicular stage.

The main indication of Charozetta (experts' feedback is also confirmed) is contraception.

The drug does not provoke significant changes in lipid or carbohydrate metabolism, hemostasis parameters.

Medication "Charozetta" (reviews of specialistsunambiguous in this) should not be prescribed for suspected or established pregnancy, thromboembolism, hypersensitivity, liver failure, liver or breast cancer. Contraindications include gestagen-dependent tumors, vaginal bleeding, the nature of which is not clear. It is not recommended to take birth control pills with prolonged immobilization associated with pathology or surgery (due to the probability of venous thromboembolism).

With the use of medication, someundesirable consequences. In particular, the tool "Charozetta" (reviews of patients confirm this) can trigger a change in mood, in rare cases - headaches, fatigue. The drug can cause irregular bloody discharge, sometimes amenorrhea, a decrease in libido. To extremely rare manifestations include dysmenorrhea, vaginitis, cysts in the ovaries. Some patients with the use of the drug "Charosette" note soreness in the mammary glands, weight gain, alopecia, acne. In rare cases, vomiting, erythema nodosum, nausea, urticaria may occur.

In practice, cases of overdose are not describedmedicine. Presumably, in such cases, there is nausea, minor vaginal discharge, and vomiting. In connection with the lack of an antidote, therapy is carried out in accordance with the symptoms.

The tool "Charozetta" (reviews of experts isalso confirm) is recommended to be applied daily, at one time. The recommended dose is 0.75 milligrams per day. The duration of the application is twenty-eight days. Tablets from the next package begin without any interruptions.

If previously hormonal contraceptives have not been used, then the use of the drug starts from the first day of the cycle (the first day of menstruation).

It is allowed to start the course on the second or fifth day, however, additional contraceptives (barrier) should be used.

At transition from the combined contraceptives reception of means "Charosette" carry out in day of prospective reception of last preparation.

The transition to a medication with only gestagen-containing drugs is carried out on any given day. When using the implant, the "Charozetta" can be taken the next day after removal.

Experts recommend that in all of the above cases, use additional barrier contraceptives during the first week.

After an abortion in the first trimester,the preparation "Charosette" is recommended to start taking immediately. After the termination of pregnancy in the second trimester or after childbirth, the medication is recommended for use on the twenty-first or twenty-eighth day. At the beginning of the course at a later date, additional use of barrier contraceptives is required in the first week.

If the patient has had sexual intercourse after the abortion or childbirth, the pregnancy should be excluded or before the beginning of the first menstrual period before starting the Charozette medication.

The drug can be given to lactating women, as well as patients who are contraindicated with estrogens.

Before using the drug "Charosette" you need to consult a doctor.

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