/ / The drug "Doppelherz". Reviews, description, testimonies

The drug "Doppelherz". Reviews, description, testimonies

The drug "Doppelherz" is a vitamincomplex. Apply it (together with other means) to maintain the tone of the body, as well as to prevent cardiac pathologies. The drug "Doppelherz", as a combined, contains active substances, trace elements, vitamins. Different types of this complex with different purposes are produced.

The drug "Omega 3 Doppelherz" (reviewsexperts confirm this) has immunocorrecting, hypotensive, membrane-stabilizing effect. In addition, the drug has a generally restorative, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant effect.

The drug "Doppelherz" (reviews of professionals unambiguous) should be used as an active supplement to the daily diet.

The preparation is available in the form of capsules or tablets for oral administration.

Complex "Doppelherz" (patient reviews areconfirm) is an effective supporting agent for hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular pathologies. The drug replenishes the deficit of fatty polyunsaturated acids. In addition, the remedy eliminates the lack of vitamin E.

Complex "Doppelherz", containing calcium andmagnesium, is very effective at increased physical, mental stress, poor lifestyle, unbalanced diet. In addition, the drug is successfully used for preventive purposes in cardiovascular pathologies, atherosclerosis. The drug "Doppelherz" (reviews of experts confirm this) has established itself as an effective supporting agent in stressful situations, as well as with adverse effects of environmental factors.

Capsules or tablets should be taken withmeal one per day. The course for taking Doppelherz funds (the experts' opinions are unambiguous in this) should be at least thirty days. If necessary (according to the doctor's instructions) the course is repeated a month later. The doctor may prescribe another scheme of application in accordance with the condition.

The drug "Doppelherz" (vitamins), patients' reviews confirm this, it is usually well tolerated. In rare cases, allergic reactions associated with individual intolerance are likely.

Contraindications to the appointment of multivitamincomplex "Doppelherz" are the following: the period of lactation, pregnancy, children's age (up to twelve years), hypersensitivity. The drug is not recommended for increased nervous excitability, epilepsy, insomnia. Do not prescribe means "Doppelherz" with feverish conditions, acute infectious lesions. Arterial hypertension is also a contraindication.

It should be remembered that the remedy is a phytopreparation of the general toning effect. This is not a medicine.

The tool "Doppelherz" has a beneficial effecton metabolic processes, helps to increase the tone of blood vessels. The drug enhances the adaptive capabilities of the body. In addition, Doppelherz helps reduce drowsiness, lethargy, and also relieves fatigue.

The drug is often prescribed for neurasthenic,asthenic syndrome, prolonged psychophysical overwork. Many experts recommend taking the remedy in the recovery period after the disease. The drug "Doppelherz" effectively increases not only efficiency, but also enhances concentration of attention.

As practice shows, the effect of using the remedy becomes noticeable two weeks after the start of the course. As experts note, in winter and autumn the drug is more effective.

It is not recommended to take Doppelherz in the afternoon.

The use of the complex should be agreed with the doctor.

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