Means "Trojchatka" (Evalar). Reviews, description, application
About the drug "Trojchatka" (Evalar) reviews can beto meet the most diverse. Many patients say that the drug should be used not only in therapeutic, but also for preventive purposes. The drug is easy to use. This food supplement is used to purify the body of various parasites.
Extracts of wormwood, tansy and its flowers, budscloves are part of the "Trojchatka" (Evalar). The effectiveness of natural components, many patients do not question. However, experts believe that under severe conditions these components are ineffective.
Extract of tansy and its flowers rendersanthelmintic and antimicrobial action. These components eliminate intestinal parasites, increase the secretion of glands in the digestive system, increase muscle tone. In addition, these ingredients have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
Extract of wormwood has anthelminticact. This component is particularly effective against roundworms. Together with this, the wormwood extract stabilizes the digestive tract, normalizes the current and secretion of bile, gastric juice, prevents the formation of stones. The component is highly effective with pinworms and ascarids.
Strong antiseptic properties have an extract of clove flowers. The component slows down the processes of putrefaction and fermentation in the intestine. The extract has the ability to destroy helminth eggs.
Means "Trojchatka" (responses of experts it confirm) it is rather safe. The undoubted advantage of the drug is its plant composition.
"Treichchatka" (Evalar) (reviews of some patients indicate this) helps to cope with intestinal invasions.
The drug is prescribed to improve the overallstate, stabilization of the digestive system. For adults and children over the age of twelve, the recommended dosage is two capsules of 0.4 or four capsules of 0.2 grams three times a day. The drug "Trojchatka" (Evalar) (expert reviews are unambiguous in this) should be taken before meals. The application should be continued for at least seven days.
During the course of taking the "Trojchatka"(Evalar) (reviews of some patients confirm this) there may be increased fatigue, some discomfort. This is due to the action of toxins released by helminths when there is a danger to their life. When these symptoms appear, a more gentle scheme for the use of the "Trojchatka" (Evalar) is recommended. The reviews of many patients indicate that the effect of the drug is the same in both regimens.
According to the sparing regime on the first dayonce two capsules of 0.4 grams, the next day two of the same capsules twice. From the third day they switch to taking the drug three times a day. Starting from the eighth day and the fourteenth day, two capsules are drunk 0.4 grams per day.
Regardless of the chosen scheme of applicationafter the completion of the main course, it is recommended (to maintain the effect) to take two capsules once a week for two or three months.
The supplement is not recommended for pregnant and lactating patients with erosive gastritis, peptic ulcer, hypersensitivity.
It should be noted that the drug is not a medicine. In this regard, the unconditional effectiveness of the application is not guaranteed.
The shelf life of the facility is two years. It is recommended to store the drug in a cool, dry place.
Before the use of the "Trojchatka" additive is necessaryconsult a doctor. It should be remembered that the independent prescription of drugs (without the recommendation of a specialist) can provoke undesirable consequences.