/ / The preparation "Calgel". Reviews, description, application

The preparation "Calgel". Reviews, description, application

"Calgel" is a pharmacological drug, created on the basis of local antiseptics and anesthetics. It is used as an anesthetic for teething in children.

The preparation "Kalgel": composition

The product is available as a gel. It is homogeneous in structure, brownish in color, with a pleasant taste and a specific smell. It goes on sale in aluminum tubes of 10 grams. The main active substances are cetylpyridinium chloride and lidocaine hydrochloride.

kalgel reviews

Means "Calgel" for children. Application, instruction

The drug belongs to the group of local anestheticscombined funds. Active substances anesthetize and have an antiseptic effect. Use the tool "Calgel" when teething is recommended when the child is experiencing pain. Starting from 5 months the drug is allowed to use. If the baby's teeth begin to grow before this time, consult the pediatrician before use. The agent is used to lubricate the gums in the places where they are inflamed and swollen. Extrude a small amount of gel on the finger (hands must first be washed), then gently rub it into the inflamed area. The drug can be used up to 6 times a day through a 20-minute interval.

kalgel for children

Medication "Calgel": reviews of doctors and parents

The drug is very popular withparents, whose children experience painful sensations in the process of teething. Due to the fact that the gel has a pleasant taste, the children tolerate it well. Particularly noted the effectiveness of the tool. Within a few minutes, the baby, under the influence of local anesthetics, ceases to experience pain. Of course, this is a temporary break. But the symptoms can be significantly reduced if you rub several times a day with Calgel. Parents' testimonies indicate that thanks to the use of the gel, the child begins to sleep better and eat. Doctors recommend this remedy because of the rarity of side effects, high therapeutic effect and quick relief of pain.

Adverse Reactions

When children are prescribed a medicine "Kalgel",reviews of side effects are particularly important. Parents do not want to risk the health of their kids and are trying to learn any important information. Only in rare cases do they observe side effects from the described agent. Basically, it is an allergic reaction that manifests itself in the form of rash, itching (in exceptional cases, Quincke's edema and anaphylaxis may occur). Be sure to examine the child for symptoms of allergy after the first use of "Calgel". Reviews of a positive nature are not direct evidence that the medicine acts on everyone equally. If you notice uncharacteristic rashes, be sure to see a doctor and cancel the drug.

kalgel with teething

Overdose of the drug

It happens that parents too often usethis means for relieving pain in a child. This can provoke an overdose. It manifests itself in the form of vomiting, pallor of the skin, a decrease in the pulse rate and respiration. In such cases, you should immediately consult a doctor.

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