/ / Increased gas formation: what to do? How to deal with increased gas production?

Increased gas production: what to do? How to deal with increased gas production?

Many people are faced with such an unpleasantproblem, like increased gas formation. What to do in such cases? What are the causes of flatulence? Is it possible to adjust the digestive tract at home? These questions are of interest to many patients.

Gaseous formation in the intestine

increased cause gasification

In a normal day for a healthy person is formedapproximately 0.9 liters of gas in the intestine. By the way, the process of formation of gas compounds is associated mainly with the vital activity of microorganisms living in the digestive system.

But in some people there is an increasedformation of gases. This disorder has its own medical name - flatulence. By the way, this disorder is an invariable companion of many diseases of the digestive tract. According to statistics, people more than 50 years old suffer from constant flatulence.

Increased gas production: causes

increased gas formation in the abdomen

Flatulence is a very unpleasant problem. And today many people are interested in questions about why increased gas production occurs. Modern medicine knows many causes of this phenomenon:

  • Often, flatulence is caused by eating habits.
  • To reasons of increased gas formation, one can also refer to intestinal dysbiosis, in which qualitative and quantitative changes in microflora are observed.
  • Flatulence also occurs against the background of diseasesdigestive tract associated with a violation of the synthesis of enzymes, as a result of which not completely digested food accumulates in the intestine, where the fermentation processes begin.
  • Gases in the intestine can accumulate in the presence of some kind of mechanical obstruction, which is observed in the presence of dense fecal masses, tumors, accumulation of helminths, etc.
  • Violations of the intestinal peristalsis can also be the cause of flatulence.
  • In some people there is a so-called high altitude flatulence - increased gas formation begins with a decrease in atmospheric pressure.

The flatulence and disturbances of the digestive tract

increased gas production what to do

Certainly, the increased formation of gases affects the work of the entire digestive system, bringing a lot of problems to life. Here are the main complaints of patients with a similar diagnosis:

  • First of all, there are pains in the abdomen, because an increase in the volume of gas entails stretching the walls of the intestine and reflex spasm.
  • Another symptom is a constant swelling, which again is associated with an increase in the volume of gases formed.
  • Many patients complain of a constant rumbling in the abdomen. This is the case if the gas is mixed with the liquid inside the intestine.
  • Flatulence is often accompanied by disturbances in the stool. Most often, patients complain of diarrhea, although the likelihood of periodic constipation is also not excluded.
  • Because of the return of gases from the stomach, people with a similar diagnosis suffer from frequent eructations, which is also extremely unpleasant.
  • Improper digestion and the presence in the intestine of products of incomplete splitting of food entails nausea.
  • One of the symptoms is frequent flotation - the escape of gases from the direct intestine. An unpleasant smell is due to the presence of hydrogen sulfide in the gases.

Common Symptoms of Flatulence

Constant increased gas formation in the abdomenaffects not only the work of the digestive tract - this phenomenon negatively affects the work of the whole organism. In particular, people suffering from chronic flatulence, often complain about heart problems. For example, it is possible to develop arrhythmia, palpitations, and from time to time a burning sensation in the heart. Similar disorders are associated with irritation of the vagus nerve as a result of swelling of the intestinal loops.

why increased gas production

Many patients also complain about problems withsleep. Insomnia in most cases is associated with an intoxication of the body, since the gases are partially absorbed by the blood. Of course, the constant discomfort in the abdomen affects the emotional state of a person. A violation of normal digestion and absorption of nutrients over time leads to a general malaise, a deficiency of vitamins and mineral elements.

Increased gas production in children

According to statistics, approximately 90% of newbornsChildren face such an unpleasant phenomenon as increased gas production. Causes in this case can be very diverse. To begin with, it is worth remembering that the baby's digestive system is not yet populated with the necessary beneficial bacteria. In addition, the cause of flatulence and the accumulation of gases in the intestines can be improper nutrition, for example, the use of unsuitable artificial milk formula or failure to comply with the right diet by the mother.

How to deal with increased gas production inthe baby? Modern medicine offers some natural preparations that facilitate the removal of gases from the intestine. Help to get rid of pain can massage the abdomen. In addition, doctors recommend more often laying the baby on his tummy - this is also a kind of massage. You can also relieve the intestines from gases with a special rectal tube.

Flatulence and Pregnancy

Increased gas formation during pregnancy -It is by no means a rarity, since most of the future mothers encounter a similar problem on a certain date. Naturally, such violations do not just happen.

increased gas formation during pregnancy

In the first trimester of pregnancy, an increasethe quantity of gases is associated with hormonal reorganization. After all, during this period the endocrine system releases an increased amount of progesterone. This hormone causes relaxation of the smooth muscles of the uterus, which prevents miscarriage. But at the same time, such changes cause relaxation of the intestinal walls, which entails a violation of its normal release from gases.

Increased gas production during pregnancyis observed and at later stages, which is associated with the growth of the fetus and the increase in the size of the uterus, which begins to press on the loops of the intestine. Thus, a mechanical obstacle is created for food and gases.

Modern diagnostic methods

If you notice an increasedgas formation, what to do in such cases? Of course, you need to talk about your problems to the doctor, since in the absence of treatment, flatulence can lead to extremely unpleasant consequences.

The expert will necessarily appoint or nominate to you inspection,since in this case it is important not only to establish the presence of meteorism, but also to find its cause. To this end, the patient gives feces samples for analysis. The coprogram gives information on the presence of certain digestive disorders, and bacteriological culture helps to assess the state of the intestinal microflora.

In some cases, an x-rayusing contrast medium - a similar study shows if there are any mechanical obstacles in the intestine for the progress of food and gases. In addition, colonoscopy and fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy are performed - these procedures give the opportunity to fully examine the walls of the digestive tract.

Increased gas production: what to do? Treatment of flatulence with drugs

If you have a similar problem, it's best to immediatelyconsult a doctor. What therapy requires increased gas production? Treatment in this case directly depends on the cause of this disorder. For example, in patients with dysbacteriosis, probiotics are prescribed to help restore the microflora.

In some cases it is advisable to usedrugs that enhance intestinal peristalsis. If there is any mechanical obstruction in the intestine, then to begin with it must be eliminated. For example, with constipation laxatives are used, in the presence of a tumor, surgical intervention is necessary.

Sorbents are another group of drugs thatIt is necessary at such problem, as the raised gassing in an intestine. Medications help to bind and remove toxins from the body. Some patients are assigned enzymatic agents that promote digestion processes. With severe pain, it is possible to take antispasmodics.

Proper diet with increased gas production

how to deal with increased gas production

In fact, the treatment of flatulence can be accelerated inif you make a diet correctly. First of all, the menu should include products that have a positive effect on the digestive system. It's not a secret for anyone how useful are the sour-milk products, and with increased gas production, they even become irreplaceable.

In addition, the diet can include porridge - thisrice, buckwheat, millet porridge, etc. Such dishes provide the body with the necessary nutrients, without causing a rise in gas production. You can eat baked fruit (especially useful apples), steamed vegetables, as well as boiled meat (preferably choose a diet, such as chicken breast, rabbit meat). In the dish you can add some spices. For example, marjoram, fennel and cumin improve digestion and facilitate the removal of gases from the intestine.

List of Prohibited Products with Flatulence

Of course, there are products that increasegas formation. And people suffering from bloating, should avoid such food. It's no secret that the process of gas formation is influenced by legumes - at first they are completely excluded from the diet.

products that increase the formation of gas

In addition, it is worth limiting the amountproducts rich in coarse fiber. This group includes garlic, cabbage (especially in raw form), as well as radish, spinach, raspberries, onions, radishes, gooseberries, some apple varieties. It is recommended to exclude black bread, grapes, kvass, beer and alcoholic beverages from the diet, as they strengthen the processes of fermentation in the stomach, which, accordingly, leads to the formation of a large number of gases.

It is also worth limiting the amount of difficultydigestible products. This group includes pork, lamb, mushrooms and eggs. It is not recommended to abuse simple carbohydrates, which are so rich in sweets and pastries.

Folk remedies for the treatment of flatulence

Many people note increasedgas formation. What to do in such cases? Of course, traditional medicine offers a lot of a variety of means that can save from swelling and reduce the amount of gas produced.

The simplest and most affordable "medicine" isDill seeds. To prepare the product you need two tea spoons of seeds pour two cups of boiling water. Cap the lid and leave for 20-30 minutes. Now the liquid can be filtered. Adults take half a cup three times a day.

To combat meteorism, you can usecarrot seeds. Spread a tablespoon of seeds in a thermos, pour a glass of boiling water and leave overnight. Drink three times a day for half a glass. By the way, before use, the broth is better to warm up.

Home medicine chest can be replenished with almondoil. When flatulence on a piece of white bread, apply 6-8 drops of oil and eat. In addition, to combat swelling and gas formation helps fennel - in the pharmacy you can buy ready-made teas. Experts also recommend in the morning on an empty stomach to drink a glass of filtered water at room temperature.

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