/ / The drug "Furacilin". Instructions

The drug "Furacilin". Instructions

The drug "Furacilin" is a popular drug that has an antimicrobial effect. It belongs to the group of disinfectants and antiseptics.

The drug "Furacilin", the instruction to whichdescribes its release forms, is realized in the network of pharmacies in the form of ointments and aerosol, solution and tablets. The main active ingredient of the drug is nitrofural, which is a fine crystalline powder of a yellowish or yellowish-greenish hue.

The drug is used in getting rid ofcausative agents of the dysentery rod and gas gangrene, salmonella and large viruses, lamblia and staphylococci. The activity of the drug is manifested even when other antimicrobial medicines are not powerless, which do not contain nitrofural or its derivatives. The aqueous solutions lose their medicinal properties during long-term storage. The drug serves for internal as well as external topical application and has an effect aimed at stopping the vital activity of viruses and bacteria.

Five to six days after the start of usethe population of microbes in the human body is dying out. The drug is deprived of the ability to sterilize, however, in the antimicrobial plan, the drug "Furacilin" is an antibiotic. By its action, produced to destroy microbes, the drug is similar to the sulfonamide agent "Streptocide".

The drug "Furacilin", the instruction to which explains the main indications for use, is prescribed for:

- dysentery, which is acute or chronic;

- infected wounds;

- Ulcers;

- burns;

pressure sores;

otitis, which are purulent in nature;

- stomatitis;

- angina;

- conjunctivitis.

Also, the drug is recommended in the presence of foci of a purulent-inflammatory nature in the area of ​​the paranasal sinuses, pleural and articular cavities.

The drug "Furacilin", the instruction to whichshould be carefully studied before its use, has a number of contraindications. The drug is not prescribed for various kidney diseases, allergic dermatoses, bleeding and hypersensitivity to its constituents.

The drug "Furacilin", the instruction to whichwarns of unwanted side effects, possible when used, can cause allergic manifestations on the skin, as well as dermatitis. A long course of treatment is capable of provoking neuritis. Internal application increases the risk of symptoms of allergic manifestations, as well as the appearance of vomiting, nausea and loss of appetite. If there are any undesirable phenomena, the drug should be discontinued.

Medicinal product "Furacilin", methodthe use of which is described in detail in his instructions, is most often recommended for stomatitis, tonsillitis, acute respiratory infections and gingivitis for rinsing the oral cavity. With sinusitis, sinusitis and frontitis, an aqueous solution of the medication is washed with the nose.

A wide application is found by the drug in the treatmentconjunctivitis. The aqueous solution containing the drug is instilled in each eye for seven days. Internal reception of the drug is indicated for getting rid of dysentery. Dosage should be from two to four tablets taken four to five times a day. Treatment of otitis purulent character requires the use of an alcohol solution of the drug. Impregnated with it, turuns of cotton wool are laid in the ears.

To achieve greater effect, it is recommendedalso instill the external ear canal three times a day for one to two drops of an alcohol solution of the drug. It is recommended to use the drug for frostbite, burns and purulent wounds. In these cases, a drug diluted in water or saline is used.

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