/ / Furacilin during pregnancy

Furacilin in pregnancy

As is known, during pregnancy there islimited number of permitted medicines. The main means in the fight against catarrhal and other diseases of expectant mothers are folk recipes. But it is not always possible to overcome the infection with their help. Then you have to turn to the most harmless drugs for help, which are allowed by doctors in extreme cases.

Among a number of safe during pregnancymedicines should be noted and Furatsilin - a drug that has an antimicrobial effect. Its advantage is that it does not act instantly, like an antibiotic, but fights microbes gradually. Basically, the duration of application of furacilin becomes 5-6 days, depending on the disease. This drug can be aligned to the Streptocide according to the effect of the action.

Basically, furatsilin during pregnancy applyexternally, in case of purulent or any other inflammatory processes. It is also very effective for colds, including angina. In this case, a solution of furacilin is prepared, which is rinsed with a throat.

Undoubtedly, the use of any medication inthe time of gestation is considered undesirable. But if the common cold or other disease is quite complex, then treatment is simply necessary. Just Furacilin during pregnancy is one of the safest medicines that are not contraindicated.

Side effects

There is also Furacilin in tablets, whichdoes not differ from that which is sold in the form of a powder. Most often this drug is tolerated by patients quite well. Side effects of the drug include: allergic reactions, nausea and vomiting, a significant decrease in appetite, as well as dizziness. It is not recommended to take furatsilin for a long time, as neuritis can develop. These symptoms after a few days pass independently, but when they occur, you should see a doctor.

Furacilin during pregnancy in most casesis taken externally. Therefore, the above described side effects are observed only with the internal application of the drug. In rare cases, pregnant women may have an allergic reaction to the skin, in which case it is necessary to stop using it. It should be remembered that the drug itself is prescribed only by your attending physician and in no case is taken alone.


If the future mother does not have anyallergic reactions, then doctors boldly prescribe this drug in the fight against infectious diseases of the throat. Five tablets Furatsilina rastoloch to small grains and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Cool to the temperature that you will feel comfortable rinsing the mouth, but not too cold. The prepared solution can gargle several times a day, while casting the right amount in a glass. If necessary, it can be heated a little. When purulent angina is recommended to add a glass of a solution for rinsing a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide (3%). This will enhance the effect of the action and help to get rid of the disease more quickly.

Furacilin during pregnancy can alsoused as an ARI prevention. Especially in the period of the flu epidemic, because the body of a pregnant woman is weakened enough, and to be safe in the winter from a cold will not hurt.

Although Furacilin during pregnancy in the outerapplication is considered safe, all the same it is not necessary to be engaged in a selftreatment. After all, you are now responsible not only for yourself and your health, but also for your future child. Therefore, the use of this drug, as mentioned above, must necessarily be prescribed by the treating doctor!

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