/ / Espumizan: instructions for use

Espumizan: instructions for use

According to statistics, excessive gas formationis found in many people. Especially this problem is typical for infants, the intestines of which are just beginning to get used to new foods. Both adults and children can be helped with the use of special medicines. So, for example, the drug "Espumizan" is popular, the instruction to which recommends it since birth.

The drug is used to combatflatulence, however, this testimony to its use is not limited. If there is a survey of the abdominal cavity, then the drug can also be used. When poisoning detergent "Espumizan" instruction advises as a defoamer.

Contraindications for use arethe possibility of developing allergic reactions to the substances that are contained in the drug. However, this happens rarely, so most parents buy it for their babies almost from the first days of life, when they have stomach problems. In the form of capsules, "Espumizan" is not given to children under 6 years of age. Only under the supervision of a specialist it is necessary to take it if there is an intestinal obstruction or gastrointestinal diseases.

In many respects explains the safety of the drugmeans "Espumizan" composition of the drug. Semiticon, contained here, reduces the surface tension of gas bubbles formed in the intestines, as a result of which they burst and begin to emerge. A distinctive feature of the drug is that it is absolutely not absorbed in the intestine and leaves the body in its original form. Form release means - capsules and emulsion (the latter is preferable for infants and older children).

If we talk about the dosage of Espumizan,the instruction emphasizes its dependence on the patient's age and the purpose with which the medicine is taken. So, if you treat flatulence, then adults are prescribed 2 measuring spoons or 2 capsules, children of 6-12 years of age almost the same dosage, to children younger than this age 1 measuring spoon. The drug should be taken 3-4 times a day.

The day before the examination of internal organs"Espumizan" abstract recommends the use of 3 times a day at equal intervals of 2 teaspoons and the same in the morning, before the diagnosis. When poisoning with detergents, the drug is prescribed depending on the severity of the injury.

Infants are given a drug along with a mixture orwater. It should be noted that the drug does not contain sugar, so it can be prescribed to patients who have problems with digestion or suffering from diabetes. No information was given about the drug overdose.

When pregnant and breastfeeding, you canUse the medication without fear of the harmful effects that can be exerted on the child. It is envisaged to take the drug for a long time if it is required, but there were no cases of side effects, including allergic reactions.

"Espumizan" instruction advises to take whennecessity. However, as with any drug treatment, it is worth consulting with the doctor about its use, as well as to determine the time and dosage of admission.

It is worth remembering that getting rid of gas generationwill also help proper nutrition and exercise. If infants suffering from flatulence are breastfed, the mother should limit her diet, excluding products that may contribute to the appearance of bloating. For children on artificial feeding, you can choose suitable mixtures containing useful substances necessary for better digestion, usually bifidobacteria.

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