/ / Several Ways to Sleep Quickly

How to Sleep Quickly

How to Sleep Quickly

Accumulated problems, stress, unpleasantmemories - all this affects our sleep and falling asleep. Not only is it difficult to fall asleep in the evening, so you can wake up at night and toss and turn without sleep. It is unlikely that you will quickly solve all the problems and forget about them. So let's look at ways to sleep fast. First of all, one should think that one should free one's thoughts and overcome physical discomfort, all this prevents you from falling asleep normally and quickly.

Preparation for sleep.

We know how to quickly fall asleep - above all,you need to properly prepare for bed. You should not eat heavy food 2-3 hours before bedtime, do not smoke or drink coffee. Of alcoholic beverages, too, it is better not to take anything, if only a little good red wine, and then, if it does not arise additional thoughts. During the same period, any activity related to work or other problems should be discontinued. At least two hours should be in your relax. Another way to quickly fall asleep - to read at night fiction. But it is desirable to select such a plot that its content does not coincide with your problems, otherwise you will start thinking about them again.

Physical exercise.

It is difficult to make an unambiguous conclusion. On the one hand - this is an additional stimulation of the body, and on the other - a good compensation of the load from mental activity. You can do a few stretches and simple joint exercises. Do not stand for long in an inclined position forward, changing it to a position back, pull back, arms, legs. Turn your neck, hands and feet. This is another way, how to fall asleep quickly. You can make a short run before going to sleep. Checked by the time that it is good to have sex. If you are drawn to perform strength exercises, you can do this, just do not give the muscles a strong load, so that there is no additional excitation of the body.

Breath and thoughts.

When you are already in bed, you needpick up for yourself a rhythm of breathing, in which you will concentrate not on your thoughts, but on your breathing. Thinking about how quickly to fall asleep, you can resort to small tricks: to make for yourself a special order of sighs. First, with the stomach, then inhale with the breast, and then with the clavicles. Exhale in the same sequence. Given such a technique is not easy, but there is no need to hurry with its development. The most important thing in it is to be able to switch to breathing from one's own thoughts. Here it is best to concentrate on the air passage, not on the sounds.

Relaxation of muscles.

Undoubtedly, this is the most important in the processpreparation of how to fall asleep quickly. Any tension in the muscles of the body is associated with a "stuck", unresolved, exciting problem. Of course, if you have already done everything in the ways described above, your muscles will begin to relax, but still pay attention to the "examination" of your body with the purpose of having foci of muscle tension in it. Pay special attention to facial muscles in the area of ​​the eyes, forehead and lips. Look for straining the neck. If you find tension, try to relax this place.

The greatest effect.

You can achieve the best results ifYou will perform all the described procedures on a daily basis. The longer you work on it, the less effort you will need in the evening and the easier it will be to implement the entire order of falling asleep. As a result, you will get a quick sleep and a normal good sleep. And finally, do not follow all recommendations too scrupulously and pay close attention to them. You can not accurately measure the time of procedures and worry if you miss something. This will only create additional nervous tension. It will be much more effective to just feel your relaxed state before going to bed.

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