/ / Ventricular Arrhythmia of the Heart: Symptoms and Treatment

Ventricular Arrhythmia of the Heart: Symptoms and Treatment

To date, there is a hugenumber of heart diseases. The most common among them is considered to be ventricular arrhythmia, which occurs as a result of premature excitation of impulses that come from the ventricular system. In this case, the rhythm of the heart is disturbed, there are extraordinary cuts in its lower sections. Ventricular arrhythmia is now observed in 60% of people, most often of old age. Sometimes heart rhythm disturbances can be found in young healthy people. What determines the occurrence of this pathology, what symptoms it has and how to treat it, we will talk about this.

ventricular arrhythmia

Description of the disease

The disease is a rhythm disorderheart, when the conduction impulses are formed in the cardiac ventricles, below the point where the bundle branch is branched. Ventricular arrhythmia, treatment and symptoms, we will consider below, there are different types. They act as states that threaten the appearance of serious disorders in the work of the heart, as well as a sudden cessation of the activity of this body. Also asymptomatic, mild forms of arrhythmias can appear.

Forms of ventricular arrhythmias

In medicine, it is customary to single out three groups of thisof the disease: extrasystole, tachycardia and fibrillation (flicker). Depending on the form of manifestation of the disease, appropriate treatment is prescribed. In addition, the symptomatology of arrhythmia may also vary. Let us consider this question in more detail.

ventricular arrhythmia treatment


This form of the disease is one of the mostoften recorded, it is caused by a premature contraction of the heart. Arrhythmia ventricular (extrasystole) is found in 70% of people of different ages, its appearance often cause stress, alcohol and nicotine, coffee. Also, arrhythmia of this form can occur with damage to the myocardium due to the development of various diseases.

There are five classes of extrasystoles, one of them can be detected with the help of an electrocardiogram within twenty four hours:

- zero class implies absence of extrasystoles;

- the first class is characterized by the appearance of no more than thirty single abbreviations for one hour;

- the second class is characterized by the appearance of more than thirty single abbreviations for one hour;

- the third class presupposes the presence of extrasystoles of polymorphic;

- the fourth class assumes the presence of paired polymorphic or monomorphic abbreviations;

- The fifth class is characterized by group contractions, at times tachycardia attacks are possible.

arrhythmia ventricular symptoms treatment


Ventricular arrhythmia of this form is manifestedan increase in heart rate (more than 90 beats per minute). Tachycardia can manifest itself both as a pathology and as a physiological phenomenon in attacks of fear, physical activity and so on. Most often it is a symptom of the development of various disorders of the endocrine, autonomic nervous systems. Tachycardia as a pathology can lead to bad consequences. So, blood pressure drops, blood flow to the organs slows down, the blood supply to the body and the heart worsens, including, which leads to the risk of the occurrence of coronary disease or a heart attack. There are several classes of tachycardia:

1. Sinus - there is a violation of the transfer of impulses to the ventricles from the sinus node. This can be as a result of the wrong operation of the site itself, and under stress, fright and so on.

2. Paroxysmal - there is an attack of heartbeat up to 300 beats per minute, which arises and disappears suddenly. This may be associated with an increase in the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, as well as with changes in the myocardium. Most often it occurs in the second case and is observed in most cases in men. Such a tachycardia can develop into ischemia, hypotension, as well as in ventricular fibrillation. Constant attacks of tachycardia have a detrimental effect on the circulation of the body, increasing the risk of death.

ventricular arrhythmia


Ventricular ventricular arrhythmia, orfibrillation, characterized by a heartbeat of up to 480 beats per minute, the ventricles at the same time are reduced uncoordinated, the heart eventually stops, the person dies. Fibrillation often is a consequence of a heart attack. In medicine, it is common to distinguish between several classes of atrial fibrillation:

  1. Primary - appears in the first two days after the onset of a heart attack and is a frequent cause of sudden death of people.
  2. Secondary atrial ventricular arrhythmia of the heart develops due to cardiogenic shock in those suffering from a heart attack.
  3. Late fibrillation appears on the fourth week of the disease.

In all cases, fibrillation begins suddenly. Three hours after her appearance, the head begins to spin, there is a weakness. After twenty hours, the person loses consciousness, after forty hours, convulsions begin, the pupils dilate, the breathing gradually becomes less frequent, and then completely stops, the clinical death begins.

preparations for ventricular arrhythmia


Depending on what effects can be developed after the ventricular arrhythmia of the heart appeared (the symptoms will be considered in this article), it is customary to distinguish:

1. Functional arrhythmias are characterized by the absence of heart lesions, which are serious. There are practically no complications after that.

2. Arrhythmias that are dangerous to humans and develop against the background of heart disease, mortality in this case increases.

3. Malignant development of cardiac rhythm disturbances, occurs with serious heart disease and often leads to death.

Causes of appearance

The development of arrhythmias can occur through variousreasons, sometimes they are unknown. In the latter case, it is customary to talk about a disease that is idiopathic. The most frequent arrhythmia is ventricular (symptoms, treatment and the forecast will be considered below) arises asresult of heart diseases: ischemia, infarct, Cardiosclerosis, mitral valve damage and myocardial inflammation, hypertension, malignancy that is, pulmonary pathology. In some cases, VSD, hernia and osteochondrosis can also cause arrhythmias. Idiopathic arrhythmia provoked by external factors: smoking, alcohol and coffee, the frequent use of cardiac medications.

ventricular arrhythmia of the heart

Symptoms and signs

Ventricular arrhythmia of symptoms that clearlyexpressed, does not. Different people can have different sensations that do not depend on the cause of the disease. Most often, patients experience weakness, dyspnea, dizziness. The manifestation of symptoms on the ECG is clearly visible. First of all, there is an increase in the size and deformation of the tooth, which enters the ventricular complex. More than three contractions of the heart in a row also indicate the presence of arrhythmia. For arrhythmia characterized by paleness, anxiety, increased sweating, a feeling of shortness of breath, irregular heart function. When tachycardia occurs dizziness (unconscious), pain in the heart, palpitation, dyspnea, hypotension, cramps. Fibrillation often manifests itself in the form of fainting, chest pain, pulmonary edema, and pulse deficit. Its symptoms are related to the fact that the ventricles contract rapidly and irregularly.

Diagnosis of the disease

Ventricular arrhythmia can be confirmed byECG monitoring, ECG with exercise, VEM or treadmill test. The study includes the recording of cardiac pulses with the help of electrodes, which are placed on the skin of the human chest, as well as on his arms and legs. The readings are recorded on the monitor, then transferred to the printing device and printed on paper. When VEM indicators are removed during the load, this exercise bike. When a treadmill test is used treadmill. In the case of the diagnosis it is necessary to take into account those factors that influence the appearance and cessation of attacks. This includes the emotional and mental state of the patient, physical activity, taking medications and so on. Additional methods of research for the presence of arrhythmias are: radiography, tomography, ultrasound of the heart. The results of these tests will determine the further treatment of the disease.

Ventricular arrhythmia: treatment

When a disease is detected, not in all casesneed special treatment. With drug treatment, it is recommended to pay attention to the side effects of drugs, as well as the duration of their procedures, because you can unreasonably damage your health. In some pathologies of the heart, the use of drugs against arrhythmia is contraindicated, since this can provoke cardiac arrest. Let's consider methods and ways of treatment of arrhythmias at its various forms.

Treatment of extrasystole

In frequent cases, this disease is associated withlack of electrolytes in the human body, which is revealed in the analysis of blood. Therefore, often with extrasystole recommend magnesium-potassium diet. You should also pay attention to the sleep and rest regime, food ration, bad habits, frequent coffee consumption, stress, and so on. A sedative may be prescribed. If the ventricular arrhythmia is severe, then medications are prescribed, and in some cases surgery is required. The patient is credited with electrolytes, ACE inhibitors, nitrates and the like. Great importance is given to drugs against arrhythmia.

arrhythmia ventricular extrasystole

Treatment of tachycardia

There are two groups of medicines, the actionwhich is directed to the treatment of tachycardia: sedative and antiarrhythmic drugs. Soothing is credited if there is a GVA. It can be "Diazepam", "Persen", "Glycin" and others. Antiarrhythmic preparations for ventricular arrhythmia appointed after the cause of the pathology is established. It can be "Verapamin", "Anaprilin", "Adenosine" and so on. In any case, a specialist should be engaged in treatment.

Treatment of fibrillation

If a fibrillation attack occurs for the first time orIt has a non-permanent character, it must be quenched with the help of "Quinidine", "Cordorona" or "Novokainamid." If fibrillation is permanent, you should always take drugs to prevent stroke. In this case, appropriate anticoagulant therapy, you need to take acetylsalicylic acid, "Warfarin", heparins.

Prognosis for arrhythmias

The prognosis for such an ailment will depend on hisform, the presence of heart pathology, circulatory disorders in humans. Ventricular and supraventricular arrhythmias that are not associated with heart disease do not threaten the life and health of people. If the disease develops against the background of the pathology of the heart, the outlook will be unfavorable. Lifespan here will depend on the timely treatment begun. Therefore, it is recommended to monitor the performance in the heart and comply with all medical recommendations, then the ailment can be stopped. At the same time, one should not forget about preventive measures, since taking care of one's health can play a big role, and in some cases also save a person's life.


First of all, the prevention of arrhythmias is aimed attreatment of the pathology of the heart, which contributes to the violation of rhythm and conductivity. It is necessary to exclude the causes of the disease, it can be intoxication, GVS, stress, electrolyte imbalance, etc. It is necessary to limit the intake of alcohol, nicotine and caffeine, as well as independent use of preparations against arrhythmia. Treatment should be strictly doctor. Thus, the prevention of the disease is as follows:

- treatment of major heart diseases;

- Diet;

- Exclusion of bad habits;

- control of physical activity, weight, pressure;

- prophylaxis with the help of medicines.

As drugs it is recommended to take "Panangin" (potassium and magnesium), vitamin B6, "Ritmonorm", "Allapinin" and others.

At an arrhythmia it is possible to go in for sports, butphysical loads should be small. Do not overload the body. Observing all the recommendations and keeping track of your health, you can save not only him, but your life, and the doctor, in turn, will help determine the choice of medications.

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