/ / Rh factor - what? And than it can be useful?

Rhesus factor - the factor of what? And than it can be useful?

Rhesus factor is a specific protein, which inblood is on the surface of the erythrocyte - the carrier of blood. Some people on the planet have it, and some do not have this protein. In all, 15% of people do not find the Rh factor, they are Rh negative, but 85% are carriers of this protein. The factor is determined when the group membership of the human blood is established. Throughout life, it does not change, and is also transmitted from parents to offspring. It is also important to determine it during pregnancy, because there may be conditions in which the life of a future child is seriously threatened.

Immunological rhesus-conflict

rhesus factor factor
Before the baby was born, setits Rhesus factor can only be presumed. Quite often, a mother who has no Rh factor in her blood can have a baby with whom he has it, and that's where the problem begins. There is such a condition (if the father is "positive"): the first pregnancy is normal, but during her mother antibodies are formed, which during the subsequent pregnancies can become a serious threat. If both parents are "negative" or "positive", then there is nothing to worry about - the offspring will be healthy, there is no risk of conflict. If it does occur, the child will die without appropriate assistance. Also, the severity of the condition depends on the pregnancies - the more they were, the more dangerous it will be.

But do not worry, because what isRhesus factor? It is a protein that can induce an immune response in the mother's body. If you consult a geneticist beforehand and are observed regularly with a gynecologist before childbirth, you can avoid the appearance of an unhealthy child.

When should you be afraid?

What is the Rh factor, it seems to be clear, but inwhat cases should you pay special attention to it? Antibodies can appear if a woman underwent an abortion, and the fetus was from a Rh-positive male, even though she does not have this protein in her blood; if blood transfusion or pregnancy was not the first.

what is the Rh factor

If a woman has a negative Rh factor, the factorWhat is this? The level of risk must be determined in advance. It is important to recheck the blood group for Rh-belonging. Then find out whether there are antibodies to a specific protein of red blood cells of the father or to its red blood cells.

Danger to the child

Antibodies that are produced by the bodymothers, penetrate the placenta and begin to attack the baby's red blood cells. Then the number of cells that can carry oxygen decreases. Hemoglobin in the decay is converted to bilirubin, which gives a specific yellow color of the skin and sclera. Moreover, it has a toxic effect on brain cells, as well as on speech and hearing. The liver and spleen become large, trying to compensate for the lack of red blood cells.

what is the Rh factor

Sooner or later, there comes a drawback thatIt is called anemia, swelling occurs, and the baby himself may die. This is what the Rh factor of the mother of the child means and the importance of its definition in the early stages of pregnancy. And then, knowing the problem, you can quickly and effectively help.

There is an exit

This condition can be prevented and preventedconflict to develop fully. Take action before pregnancy occurs. It starts with a documentary confirmation to know exactly your Rh factor. What is the factor in this matter? First of all, time. To determine the group and the rhesus is also in the future father of the child. If there is protein in the blood of a man, it is necessary to consult a doctor and take measures to prevent the development of conflict.

You should not be afraid

If the partners have an incompatible Rh factor,the factor of which may not be entirely favorable, you should not worry. Just for such a pregnancy is observed much more closely. Constantly take blood from the vein (so controlling the level of antibodies is much easier), and the closer the term of childbirth, the more often you have to donate blood for research.

The first pregnancy does not conflict, but on an equal basiswith this is the trigger mechanism for the development of this state. The first contact of erythrocytes of the mother and fetus does not cause a violent immune response, but here the subsequent pregnancies constantly provoke it. Only a specialist can prevent conflict.

what is the Rh factor

Negative maternal Rh factor factorWhat? What determines the method of delivery and its timing? You can give birth before the prescribed: the fetus will be premature, but at the modern level of medicine it can go out and transfuse him with blood instead of his own - this exchange-replacement transfusion.

There is also serum that suppresses developmentantibodies. Enter her after the first birth or interrupted pregnancy in the first three days. Experiencing about the birth of a child is not worth it, the medicine does not stand still. That's just important to know what the Rh factor is, how it can affect the bearing. In time, the measures taken will ensure the birth of healthy offspring.

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