/ / How dangerous is Rh negative in pregnancy

How dangerous is Rh negative in pregnancy?

For a happy, pleasant pregnancy and, inAs a result, the birth of a healthy baby, a woman should equip herself with the necessary basic knowledge, so that no myths and prejudices can lead her out of balance. Previously, the negative Rh factor and pregnancy were considered incompatible things and caused real fear in future mothers. To find out the truth, we must first understand what is this Rh factor?

The concept of the Rhesus factor appeared only 35 years agoback. It is an antigen (protein) of blood that is on the surface of blood cells and is determined by a blood test. In individuals with negative rhesus, this protein is not present in the blood. According to statistics, about 20% of women in the world have such a Rh factor, and very many of them are happy moms. Physicians argue that the Rh negative in pregnancy is not at all a synonym for infertility. It is not the negative Rh, but the emerging Rhesus conflict, which happens only in certain cases.

When a Rh negative is dangerous during pregnancy

Such cases include the moment whenRh factor of the woman in labor does not coincide with the child's rhesus. What is the reason for the possible occurrence of Rh-conflict? Our body has the property of protecting itself from foreign bodies. During infectious diseases, the body fights the virus, ensuring recovery. The same reaction of the body in Rh-conflict. Aggressive antibodies, whose purpose is to isolate strangers (in this case, the child's blood proteins), pose a threat to its full development. Penetration of antibodies through the placenta and their conflict with erythrocytes of the fetus can lead to jaundice of newborns, it is also possible damage to the brain of the child and his hearing. The worst consequences are congenital edema of the fetus and even its death.

Thanks to the achievements of modern medicine rhesusnegative during pregnancy is now not as threatening as before. There are many ways successfully coping with the problem of Rh-conflict between the blood of the mother and the child. A woman with a negative Rh factor feels no worse than other mothers. The only condition to prevent the consequences of a possible conflict is a regular visit to the doctor and the delivery of a blood test. If, after all, the conflict has arisen, doctors sometimes have to provoke early childbirth and transfuse the blood to the newborn. These procedures today are quite successful, so do not worry too much in advance.

It should be noted that Rh is negative whenPregnancy is the first child very rarely provokes conflict. A woman who has never been in contact with a Rh factor positive, simply does not have antibodies that can harm a child. But during childbirth it is possible to hit the baby's protein in the mother's bloodstream. In this case, antibodies can appear. To prevent problems with subsequent pregnancy, the expectant mother is recommended to introduce a drug called anti-Rh-immunoglobulin. It binds aggressive antibodies and allows them to be taken out of the body.

Therefore, if the first child had a positiveRh factor and you are dreaming of children, so that the second pregnancy with a negative Rhesus was successful, it would be advisable to introduce such a vaccine. It can be administered both during pregnancy itself and after childbirth.

Rhesus-conflict treatment modern medicineengaged quite successfully. Therefore, even when the result of your tests determined a Rh-conflict, this is not the reason to panic. If responsibly and consciously treat this problem and its solution, resorting to the help of experienced medics, soon you will find a healthy baby in your arms, and you will become another happy mother.

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