What is a factor? Special cases of use
What is a factor? This word is used in mathematics, economics, programming, medicine and other areas of life. The general meaning of the above term is an action, a cause, a source, or a major problem in any process.
Meaning of the word
What is a factor? The answer can be found in Latin. In translation means - producing. A word refers to a separate significant feature, circumstance or a set of causes that affect the outcome of a future case, disease or environmental condition.
In the literature there are many definitions that describe what a "factor" is:
- cause - when used in medicine or the description of processes;
- organization - in the financial system;
- programming language - concatenative in computer science;
- action - in the legal sphere;
- manager in the printing house, old name;
- a small intermediary - in this sense has not been used lately;
- in compound words: risk factor or Rhesus factor.
To describe what a factor is, considermore a few cases. In medicine, when it comes to the development of the disease, the word is divided into 2 groups: exogenous and endogenous factors. These are negative conditions (respectively external and internal) that affect the appearance of pathological conditions.
In society and the environment, it is determined thatsuch a factor, the following states - it can be a set of actions, accidents, unexplained phenomena. Thus, when building a model for the development of society, factors that affect the integrity of the political system and the country in general are taken into account. These include social inequality, mass unrest on any occasion, support for armed groups by foreign governments.
Particular cases of using the word
If it is necessary to disassemble in detail what is a factor,the meaning of the word is most fully described in the economy and labor to maintain production processes. At enterprises for security, statistics are collected that include risk factors for a person.
And for the normal operation of the business, production factors are required:
- Earth;
- capital;
- work;
- ability to business.
Risk factors are described as technogeniccatastrophe, political instability in the country, ethnic differences in society, poverty of the population. Also here include possible infections, the likelihood of injury, fire, the effect of weather conditions, the reliability of feeding objects.