/ / Complex "Helmistop": reviews and instructions for use

Complex "Helmistop": reviews and instructions for use

The drug "Helmistop" iseffective antiparasitic complex, which destroys helminths at different stages of development. In addition, the preparation "Helmistop", the instruction on application indicates this quite clearly, stimulates the use of internal forces of the body to fight parasites, promotes the immediate removal of toxic substances from the liver that secrete helminths, and reduces the allergic reactions caused by them. The drug "Helmistop" reviews are largely positive. People testify to the effectiveness of the remedy even with a high intensity of helminthic invasion.

The preparation "Helmistop": composition and action

The drug contains in its compositionseven drugs, except for this there is a mini-complex, which includes five components and is recommended for admission to children with low intensity of worms.

Each of the components of the complex fulfills itsfunction. Thus, the drug "Hercules" is able to destroy more than 100 different parasites, the extract "Unkaria" affects the larvae of helminths, the drug "DIG-Active" cleanses the intestines and normalizes the microflora, the drug "Atlant Plus" has a purifying and laxative effect, the substance "Indol Plus" is used to protect the liver, the stimulator Vitaspectr increases immunity, and the agent "Hepatocholan" participates in the outflow of bile.

According to the active substances contained in the components of the preparation "Helmistop", one can judge the curative effect of the agent as a whole.

So, the drug "Hercules" has in its composition a shell of walnut, tansy flowers and carnations, extracts of sauryura and grapefruit, which have anthelminthic effect.

The extract of "Unkaria" contains a cat's claw (thomatosis unkory).

The components of the drug "DIG-Active" are green tea extract, pancreatin, papain, bromelain, bifidogum, trypsin, bile, amylase, lipase, lactase, chymotrypsin, protease.

The phytotea "Atlant Plus" contains the roots of a dandelion,leaves of the Alexandria herring, peppermint, Ural licorice, fennel fruits, medicinal marshmallows, dioecious nettle, hips, red mountain ash, flax seeds and St. John's wort.

The tool "Indol Plus" includes artichoke extract, broccoli sprouts, ascorbyl palmitate, magnesium stearate, indole-carbinol.

The drug "Hepatokholan" contains the roots of a dandelion, red beets, a volostushka, the bark of a Pennsylvania wax, milk thistle, a homely hodgepodge.

The Vitaspectr-XL stimulator consists of peppermintmint, ascorbic acid, echinacea extract, formic bark, propolis, garlic, zinc asparaginate, sodium selenite and rutin. About this component of the drug "Helmistop" reviews people speak of as a vitamin boosting the immunity component.

The drug allows you to destroy more100 parasitic forms of various microorganisms, which indicates the effectiveness of the "Helmistop" complex. The doctors' testimonies testify to the possible effects of the drug on Trichomonas, Chlamydia and Giardia. Fungal forms of infections are eliminated by the action of a black nut. The bactericidal and antiviral properties of the drug are due to the presence of grapefruit and garlic.

The drug "Helmistop": contraindications

It is inadmissible to treat the drug with an individualintolerance of the components of the complex, with exacerbations of peptic ulcer and colitis. It is not recommended to take the "Helmistop" complex during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Contraindications also include the acute form of glomerulonephritis.

When using the drug "Helmistop" reviewssay almost no side effects. Sometimes, when taking medication, there may be exacerbations of liver and kidney diseases, as well as allergies to individual components.

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