/ / Than to treat a bedsore? Basic principles of patient care

Than to treat a bedsore? Basic principles of patient care

It's not a secret for anyone that bedsores are a problem, withwhich is often faced with bedridden patients. After all, constant pressure on the skin disrupts normal blood circulation and trophic tissue, which leads to their suppuration and atrophy. That's why many are interested in questions about how to treat bedsore. After all, they are not only an inconvenience, but also a serious threat to the patient.

Prophylaxis of pressure sores

than to treat a bedsore

In fact, it is much easier to prevent the formation of skin lesions than to treat bedsore. And the proper care for the patient includes the following procedures:

  • Quite often, the formation of pressure sores is associated withuneven pressure on the skin surface. A hilly mattress, crumpled sheet, uncomfortable clothes - all this can be attributed to risk factors. Therefore, it is extremely important to use special mattresses during the rehabilitation period, and bed linen and clothes should be made of natural fabrics and as convenient as possible.
  • The medical staff must necessarily help the patient periodically change the position of the body.
  • From time to time, the skin needs to be "ventilated" - leave the patient for a few minutes a day without a blanket, after all, pressure sores are often formed in areas moistened with sweat.
  • Lying patients need regular massage, which stimulates blood circulation in skin tissues.
  • It is extremely important to keep the body of recumbent patients clean, since the activity of bacteria and fungi increases the risk of the appearance of necrosis sites.

But than to treat bedsore, if it has already formed? Here everything depends on the severity of the condition and the depth of the skin lesions.

Shallow decubitus: what to treat? Photo and symptoms of skin lesions

decubitus than treat a photo

Typically, the skin first appears smallred spots - most often they are formed on the back, heels, buttocks, in the field of scapula, etc. Naturally, even with the slightest suspicion of the formation of such damage, it is necessary to take care of the patient more carefully, not forgetting about hygiene means and air baths. In addition, the reddened areas of the skin are recommended to be treated with a solution of camphor alcohol.

Unfortunately, a violation of normal blood circulationand humidity create excellent conditions for the activity of pathogenic bacteria. Than to treat a bedsore in that case? When inflammation of skin tissues necessarily use antiseptic drugs. In particular, wounds and scrapes on the skin should be washed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, treated with boric acid, greenery, hydrogen peroxide. Also effective is streptocid powder and an aqueous solution of furacilin.

Than to treat deep decubitus?

The presence of deep bedsores that representdeep wounds, is extremely dangerous. After all, a necrotic process can be transferred to muscle and even bone tissue, which is a threat to health, and sometimes the life of the patient.

than to treat deep decubitus

In such cases it is important to regularly wash skindamage by antiseptic solutions. Especially effective are hydrocolloids and analginates, which are released in the form of powders designed to fill wounds. These products help to clean tissues and accelerate regeneration processes. To speed up healing, special ointments are used, in particular, "Actovegin", "Levomikol" and "Levosin", which also have bactericidal properties. By the way, for bandages it is best to use sterile bandages, since plasters violate the air circulation.

Treatment of decubitus is a long process, and itsThe effectiveness depends on the careful care and health of the patient. For example, elderly people, as well as patients with a weakened immune system, sometimes need an additional intake of antibiotics. The correct full-fledged diet, as well as the intake of vitamins and minerals complexes is extremely important.

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