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Ringworm in a cat: symptoms and treatment

Each host knows about such a widespreadas a lichen in a cat. Symptoms of this disease are quite bright, so the development of the disease is easy enough to recognize. Real kotatniki always try to protect their affectionate fluffy pet from troubles of this kind, but it is impossible to completely exclude the risk of developing this infection.

deprive the cat of the symptoms
Every owner is simply obliged to know not onlythe fundamentals of nursing and feeding, but also how to treat infections such as lichen in a cat. Symptoms of the disease must be identified in the early stages, because its pathogens are dangerous for humans. Certainly, an accurate diagnosis can only be made by a veterinarian, but there are still some signs that need to be taken seriously. First of all, it is a rash that does not pass in time, but, on the contrary, increases in size. On its surface is often formed a crust. After a few days, the animal shows noticeable foci of alopecia with a round-shaped border. In veterinarians this phenomenon has its scientific name - "alopecia". These are the main signs that characterize deprivation in a cat. These symptoms, however, may indicate a number of other infections, and therefore at the first signs of the onset of rashes on the skin of the animal, you should immediately contact the veterinarian.

deprive from cats in humans
To establish the exact disease inVeterinarians use the results of laboratory tests and LD diagnostics (studies of lesion centers with the help of a fluorescent Wood lamp). As a rule, every owner of a domestic cat after setting such a diagnosis is perplexed, where did the deprivation of a cat. Symptoms and treatment are clear, but the cause is incomprehensible. After all, such pets do not have contact with sick animals. The thing is that the fungus that causes this infection can be transferred to shoes or things that have come into contact with infected animals.

types of lichen in cats
Especially quickly lichen develops in cats withweakened immunity. Also animals with microtraumas on skin integuments are at risk. This is what explains why this disease is leading in homeless cats. But, unfortunately, pets are also often infected with this fungal infection. It brings in the house owners with bits of dirt on their shoes. There are also breeds more vulnerable than others to this disease. This is primarily Persian cats.

A universal method of treating animals from thisthere is no unpleasant fungal infection. This is due to the fact that there are different types of lichen in cats. A veterinarian can prescribe a complex of drugs only after receiving all the results of the study and establishing the exact etiology of the pathogen. But it is unequivocal that the drugs will be strictly antifungal, also ointments are needed to treat lesions on the animal's skin. But the owner of the pet should be extremely cautious. Unfortunately, cases when there is lichen from cats in a person are frequent - this disease is very contagious, and children are most at risk.

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