How to treat bedsore and how to avoid its appearance?
Decubitus is commonly called skin damage, butThe ulcers that appeared due to these injuries, which can be very deep and even purulent. As a rule, they appear in those people who for some reason are deprived of the opportunity to move. Ulcers from them heal very long, but curious is the fact that they do not cause pain. Those who care for the sick need to know how to treat bedsore. It should be noted immediately that the number of them depends not only on the quality of care, but also on how seriously the person is seriously ill. The bottom line is that people suffering from a very serious illness will have bedsores, regardless of how well they take care of it, but they will also be in someone who is not sick, but care for him leaves much to be desired.
What is pressure sores
Prolonged load on certain areas of the bodycan lead to the fact that the tissues will no longer receive nutrients and oxygen. Also from constant loads, small capillaries can burst, which will lead to the appearance of blood in places where it should not be. The most common bedsores occur in the area of the coccyx, sciatic bones, and also the sacrum. Much less often they can be found in the back of the neck, ribs and hip joint.
The first danger that comes from them,lies in the fact that tissues at depth can be already severely damaged by the time when the first signs begin to appear on the surface of the skin that it is time to sound the alarm. Often such damage to the skin causes amputation of the extremities. If a person is going to take care of a patient at home who does not know how to prevent and how to treat decubitus, he will have to spend a lot of time in order to understand these issues, since the disaster can come unexpectedly.
A few words about prevention
The patient needs strength, which means that he needs a good andbalanced eating. Every day he should take only useful food, as well as fruits, vegetables and everything else that can increase his immunity. It is worth remembering that in case of the possibility of bedsores, the patient needs to consume as much food as possible with a high protein content (meat, fish, etc.).
You can not allow the patient to be inone position for more than three hours in a row. It must be constantly turned over, and also always check the places on which it just lay. The patient must always lie on a very soft and comfortable mattress, and the underwear that is worn on him should not have any folds.
Also for prophylaxis, the skin of an immobilized person can be rubbed with alcohol or some special means. It is recommended to do this three to four times a day.
How to treat bedsore
As mentioned above, it is best not to allow them, although it is not at all easy to do. In the event of their detection, measures must be taken immediately.
Talking about how to treat bedsore, you needpay attention to the fact that the goal is not only to prevent its further spread, but also to restore the damaged area. Local treatment of pressure ulcers, as a rule, reduces to washing the sore spot with medicines (for example, hydrogen peroxide). Treatment should be carried out at least twice a day. Sometimes you can not do without special bandages.
Enumerating what to treat bedsores, you needmention bactericidal compositions, as well as antiseptics. It is impossible not to pay attention to the fact that all means used for this business (bandages, cotton wool, etc.) must be necessarily sterile.
In no case can not put a person on a newor healing bedsore. Of course, with a large number of them, this can cause some difficulties, but still have to figure out how to prevent this.
Incorrect treatment can cause amputation of the extremities.