/ Social laws: concept, types. Social services for the population. Law on the Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities

Social laws: concept, types. Social services for the population. Law on the Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities

Social laws are an expression of the necessary, essential connection of social phenomena. They determine the relationship between individuals and their associations, manifested in activities. Social laws extend to all spheres of human life. Let's consider their features.

social laws

General information

Social security and social protection one of the key areasstate policy. Within their framework, assistance is provided to needy citizens. The state acts as a guarantor of preserving and realizing the rights of each member of society. Social security and social protection are regulated by special regulatory enactments. They determine the range of subjects to whom assistance is provided, the conditions and the procedure for obtaining it.

Signs of normative acts

Social laws have common and specific characteristics. In particular, the rules come into force only under strictly stipulated, certain conditions. When they come withsocial laws operate without exceptions and restrictions in time. Along with this, the conditions themselves are realized approximately and partially.

The concept of social laws

The basic scheme of regulation of relations insociety is quite simple and completely distinguishable. Meanwhile, experts agree that social laws are difficult to detect and explore. This is due to the presence of a variety of conditions, their specificity, their interweaving and overlapping. People in accordance with the laws form the conditions of their lives and activities, apply the norms under the influence of new circumstances. Repeatability is realized due to the specificity of each individual situation that arises in society.

social security and social protection


Laws are distinguished depending on the timeactions. General rules apply to all public systems. Specific norms are limited to one or several social structures. The norms are also distinguished by the degree of generality. So, for example, there are laws that characterize the emergence of the social sphere as a whole. There are norms that determine the development of individual components of the system (nations, groups, classes, etc.). Also, laws differentiate according to the mode of manifestation. They can be statistical or dynamic.


Dynamic laws determine the forms,factors, directions of social changes. They fix an unambiguous, rigid connection of events under specific circumstances. Statistical laws reflect the key directions of process changes while maintaining stability in the system. These norms cause the connection of phenomena and events not rigidly, but with some probability.

social services for the population


Dynamic laws can be functional andcausal. The latter fixes strictly deterministic links between the development of social phenomena. Functional laws express the observed and repeatable interdependencies between events. Statistical norms can also be different. In particular, they sing out the laws of development. They regulate relations related to the satisfaction of increasing cultural and material needs, the formation of self-government, etc. Statistical laws include the laws of functioning.

Normative base in the Russian Federation

One of the key legal acts in the field ofThe Law "On the Basis of Social Services" (Federal Law No. 442) acts as a help to needy citizens. This document defines the basic rules for rendering assistance to people in need, the duties and rights of individuals and authorized bodies. In addition, the Law "On Social Protection of Disabled People" is in force in the Russian Federation. This category of citizens is at risk, so the implementation and protection of their rights are under the scrutiny of the state. The Law "On the Social Protection of Disabled People" regulates the procedure for acquiring the relevant status, establishes a list of benefits and material assistance, determines the conditions for obtaining them. In the country there is also Law on social support large families. The normative act also establishes the conditions for obtaining status, the rules for obtaining assistance. These and other documents are aimed at maintaining the appropriate quality of life for the unprotected strata of citizens.

Law on the Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities


Social services for the population are based onobservance of interests and human rights, respect for the honor and dignity of the individual. It has a humane character. Social services for the population are implemented by implementing the following principles:

  1. Provision of free and equal access of citizens to services regardless of gender, age, race, religion, place of residence, membership of social groups and other circumstances.
  2. Targeted care.
  3. Approximation of service providers to the locationthe residence of their recipients, the sufficiency of the number of organizations, financial, personnel, material and technical and information resources to meet the needs of citizens.
  4. Ensuring the preservation of people's stay in the usual favorable conditions.
  5. Confidentiality.
  6. Voluntariness.
    law on social support

Recognizing the person in need

A citizen receives an appropriate status in the presence of circumstances that may worsen or worsen the conditions of his life and activities. These factors include:

  1. Partial or total lossability / ability to move independently, perform self-service, meet their key needs due to injury, age, illness, disability.
  2. The presence in the family of disabled persons, including minors, who need constant care. It is, in particular, about people with disabilities, children with HIA.
  3. Lack of work and money to meet the primary needs.
    concept of social laws
  4. The presence of minors under guardianship / guardianship including those experiencing difficulties with adaptation in society.
  5. Lack of care (temporary or permanent) for children / children, disabled.
  6. The presence of violence or conflict within the family, including those with alcohol / drug addiction, addicted to gambling, suffering from mental disorders.
  7. Absence of a place of residence, including a citizen who has not reached the age of 23 and who has completed his stay in the institution for orphans and children left without parental care.
  8. The presence of other circumstances that are deemed capable of aggravate or worsen the conditions of life and work in accordance with the normative acts of the RF.

Recognition of a citizen in need of socialservice is carried out by the authorized regional authority. The applicant must be notified of the decision in a five-day period from the date of submission of the appeal. The entity may be denied the application. A citizen, in turn, has the right to appeal such a decision in court.

law on the basics of social services

Types of services

Citizens recognized as needy can receive the following assistance:

  1. Social and domestic. It is aimed at preserving an adequate standard of living and life.
  2. Socio-medical. It is aimed at preserving the health of citizens. Such assistance is realized by assisting in the implementation of preventive measures, organization of care, systematic observation of a person for the timely detection of violations and health disorders.
  3. Socio-psychological. Such assistance provides for measures aimed at correcting the mental state of citizens for adaptation in society. It can be given anonymously by a hotline.
  4. Socio-pedagogical. This type of assistance is aimed at preventing deviations in the development and behavior of the individual, the formation of a positive interest.
  5. Social and labor. It is aimed at attracting citizens to work, solving various problems arising in the professional sphere.

Depending on the specific needs of the subject, other types of assistance may be provided to him.

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