How to fill out the workbook by all the rules?
The labor book, as you know, is the mainemployee document. It contains information about the work experience, as well as the achievements of the employee in the professional sphere. The rules for completing this document are regulated by a special instruction and must be strictly followed. How to fill out the work book, read on.
Fundamental rules
The workbook must be entered into an employee who works for at least 5 days. When it is issued, such information is entered about the employee:
- Name and date of birth (recorded on the basis of the passport);
- profession, education and specialty (are made according to the document on education, qualifications, etc.).
Records of acceptance, transfer and dismissal
How to fill the workbook further? After that, it records information about admission to the service, on transfers and on the dismissal of the employee. In addition, the grounds on which the employment contract was terminated and information about the employee's awards were also fixed. Information on disciplinary penalties is not paid, the exception is a disciplinary measure, such as dismissal. All these data are recorded on the basis of orders within a week from the date of their issue. However, if the employment contract is terminated, an entry must be made on the same day. This, in fact, and the entire order of filling labor books.
If a person works part-time, thenthis fact can be recorded in the work book at the main duty station (at his request). After making each record, the employee must be acquainted with it personally under the signature.
Common mistakes made by employers
Unfortunately, not all employees of the personnel department are trying to learn how to fill out the work book in accordance with the law. Even one wrong record can lead to a lot of problems.
- If the name of the employee's full name is incorrectly entered, the work book will be declared invalid.
- If a person had, for example, a secondary education, and later he got a higher education, then a record of a new education is simply put side by side without erasing old information.
- The date of filling in the book must be made no later than one week after the acceptance of the employee for work.
- The title page of the document is signedperson responsible for entering information in the book. True, it is rather difficult to sign clearly. How to fill the workbook in this case? The best way is simply to write down the surname.
- In the section "Information about work" it is necessary to indicate a specific position and department (on the basis of the order for admission to work or transfer).
- In the fourth column, a document isthe basis of which was recorded. That is, you need to specify the name of the order, its date and number. It should also be noted that the abbreviations in the fourth column are unacceptable. The words "order", "protocol", "order" are written only in full.
- If the employment contract is terminated, it is important to indicate the article and the item of the Labor Code, on which dismissal is carried out.