What is the Instruction for filling out labor books
Any service in the enterprise has normative,reference and other supporting documents that "prompt", how correctly to conduct the process of accumulation and accounting of data. Personnel service is no exception. One of the main documents in her office work is the work book. All entries in it must be conducted in a strictly defined way. For this purpose, the Instruction for filling labor books was developed. It was approved by the Ministry of Labor of Russia in 2003 and replaced with a document that operated in the Soviet Union since 1973.
The instruction for filling out labor books includesin itself 7 parts. The first includes a general description of the form of the work record book and all its sections, and also explains how and what records are made in it. The second part is devoted to the correct filling of the title page of this form. This is usually done with the primary device to work.
In the process of work, a person canget a new education or profession, change your last name, first name or patronymic. All these data are accurately recorded on the title page, and on the inside of the cover documents are indicated on the basis of which the corresponding entries are made. The next two sections contain information about the work of a citizen and rewarding him for the successes he has achieved.
Instruction for filling out labor books is specialattention is paid to entering data on the dismissal of the employee. This is the fifth and sixth parts of it. Under the legislation of the Russian Federation, the termination of labor relations is made under Article 77 of the Labor Code. 11 items of this article clearly differentiate the reasons for dismissal. Therefore, when entering the relevant records in the workbook, it is necessary to specify, in addition to the article itself, the point of the TC article, according to which the specific employee is fired.
This Instruction is its ownsort of rules for keeping work books. An incorrect entry may deprive a person of the right to certain benefits and violate his rights. Every specialist in the human resources department must thoroughly know these rules in order to apply them in an unmistakable manner.
The instruction for keeping labor books containsnot only the rules for making entries in them. It is directly consistent with the Labor Code, article 66 of which states that an employer must have a work book for each employee if he has worked at the enterprise for more than five days. Data on admission should be entered in his work book, and the book itself is registered in the Book of records of the movement of the relevant forms. And it does not matter at all whether a citizen works in an organization or an individual entrepreneur. The law is one for all.