The statistician is who? Social, economic and legal statistics
In modern conditions of development of societyinterest in statistics as a science and its wide application in practical activity has increased significantly. Today, no one can deny the importance and underestimate the role of statistics in public life. Statistical data contribute to the formation of an adequate picture of the current state of affairs in the country. Due to this, in case of revealing any deviations or inconsistencies, it becomes possible to take a number of corrective measures in time and significantly improve the situation.
Interpretation and meaning of the term
The term "statistics" comes from the Latinthe word status, which implies a certain state of affairs. This concept was first used in 1749 by a scientist of German origin G. Achenval, who mentioned it in his book on the conduct of public affairs. To date, the term is used in three basic meanings:
- Statistics is a science that studies the processes and phenomena of social life, reveals the laws of development of these phenomena and explains the existing relationship between them.
- This is a branch of knowledge that studies the phenomena taking place in society from the quantitative aspect.
- These are some data submitted by organizations under the guise of financial statements.
Subject, object and tasks of statistics
Each science has its own specific features, its subject and object of study. Statistics are no exception. Its subject matter are:
- social and economic phenomena occurring in public life;
- the quantitative side of socio-economic phenomena taking into account the place and the specific time.
The object of the study of statistical science is:
- society;
- social processes and phenomena;
- influence, which is the activity of society on the state of the environment.
As for the main tasks of statistics, the following should be noted:
- Identify and analyze all socio-economic transformations taking place in society.
- To study and evaluate the effectiveness of social production.
- In time, provide reliable and reliable information to public authorities.
What is economic statistics?
Economic statistics are very importantThe branch of statistical science, engaged in the study of economic processes that occur in society. Its purpose is to conduct an adequate analysis of the conditions for the functioning of the economy, laws and laws of the development of society. This goal is realized through the collection of information, its processing and analysis. For this, a system of quantitative indicators is used, which are in close interconnection with each other. Thanks to the data obtained by economic statistics, it becomes possible to ensure a constant quantitative characterization of various economic processes, as well as the economy as a whole.
What is social statistics?
Social statistics is no less importantThe branch, engaged in research of changes of the social character taking place in a society. Its subject is society in all its manifestations and the quantitative aspect of the totality of social processes and phenomena. The main goal is to develop and use effective indicators, through which it is possible to identify the dynamics of the development of social conditions for the existence of the population and the development of society as a whole. Social statistics contribute to the formation of a clear idea of the lifestyle of each person separately: about his interests, priorities, living conditions in a certain period of time.
What is legal statistics?
Legal statistics is another industrystatistical science, the subject of which is the quantitative characteristics of legal processes, as well as immoral manifestations in society. There are 3 main branches of legal statistics: criminal law, civil law and administrative law.
Criminal-legal statistics has as itsthe subject of studying the patterns by which the movements of criminality, criminals and punishments apply to those who violated the law. After the court has passed this or that sentence, the statistics takes into account the sentenced or convicted persons.
Civil-law statistics keeps records of suits and defendants-decisions. All information about them after the consideration of each case is entered by the judge into special form cards.
Administrative and legal statistics study the patterns of movement of administrative offenses, people who committed them, and measures applied to offenders.
What is a variation in statistics?
The variation in statistics is nothing more than athe difference in the values of those or other characteristics characteristic of two or more units of the population in the same period of time. It arises because of the existence of different conditions for the existence of several units of the same population and is used in the process of selective observation, as well as for statistical modeling and planning of expert surveys. In accordance with the indicators of variation, a conclusion is made about the uniformity of the units of the population, the stability of the values of the characteristics and their interrelationship. It should be noted that variation is one of the prerequisites for both the development and the very existence of mass phenomena.
The statistician is who?
The question arises as to who is a statistician and howhe is engaged. Initially, it should be said that the statistician is first and foremost a profession. To date, this profession has attracted the attention of an increasing number of young people who, after graduation, decide to devote themselves entirely to the study and development of statistical science. They are well aware that the statistician is a specialist whose work is devoted to the processing and study of quantitative indicators of social processes and phenomena, the degree of their change and development. He is an employee subordinate to state power, or an employee of the statistical departments of various enterprises and organizations. It should also be emphasized that the statistician is an expert whose activity is aimed at collecting, processing and analyzing the totality of information about the state and events occurring in it. His immediate duties include the following tasks:
- Collection of information and compilation on its basis of reporting on certain indicators.
- Verification of the realness of the collected data and their comparison with the indicators of the past period.
- Systematization, processing and analysis of data.
- Compilation of various kinds of certificates, based on a set of collected and processed data.
The subject of labor statistics are the landmarksystems, that is, numbers, different tables and graphs, formulas, documentation. The main goal pursued by him is the analysis of statistical data, their systematization, as well as the comparison of patterns from the quantitative side.
Role in public life
The role of statistical science and statistical accountingin the life of society can not be underestimated. Statistics provide a real picture of the state of the economy, scientific activity, the level of culture of the population, well-being and welfare of society in a certain period of time. In addition, it becomes possible to observe the implementation of various national economic programs, identify inconsistencies, deviations from the planned plan, compare the development indicators of various states. Moreover, statistical data is of great importance not only for the present, but also for the future. Thus, they can be the basis for scientific planning of tomorrow's development of the society and its progress.