/ What is the economic sphere of society?

What is the economic sphere of society?

Any society, being an integral dynamic system, should be united around a number of generally accepted common values ​​- political aspirations, historical memory, and so on.

The main spheres of life of social organisms

the economic sphere of society
As a rule, these four stand out: the economic sphere of society, spiritual, political and social. On the first, we will dwell in more detail.

The economic sphere of society

We refer to the opinion of the majorityhistorical and social schools. According to them, it is the economic sphere of society that is the most important in this list. After all, it is the development of productive forces that largely determines the rest of the relations among people: a hierarchy, a political structure, and so on. The economic sphere of society is the aggregate of social relations in the production sphere, the exchange, distribution and final consumption of material resources and goods. Forms of organization in any kind of economic activity are economic systems. The latter may differ depending on the types of ownership, means of production, ways of coordinating this economic activity, the level of technical development or the nature of economic relations.

The main stages of the sphere

And since the basis for economic and economic relations, as well as the main factor that determines their specificity, is the production and distribution

economic sphere of society is characterized by
material benefits, then in this process the following main stages are distinguished.

  • Production is the process of creatingspecific material goods. The basis for production is human labor, as well as the degree of technical development and skills of people at each particular historical stage.
  • Distribution is the next step,because each manufactured product must be divided among all members of society. In this process, both direct producers and the state participate.
  • Exchange is the process of converting money into a commodity andgoods in money. In essence, exchange and commodity-money relations are a means of regulating the saturation and providing material benefits to all participants in economic relations.
  • And, in fact, the final stage of the life of the commodity, when it is used for its intended purpose, satisfying the people's material needs.

economic sphere of society test

Thus, this sphere directlyis associated with the most basic human needs, much more fundamental than culture or state. The economic sphere of society is characterized by three major issues:

1. What should be produced?

2. How is it produced?

3. For whom is it produced?

Depending on the way of resolving these issues,essence, raising the problem of the most effective use of limited resources, society acquires this or that image: feudal, commodity-capitalistic, primitive, and perhaps slave-owning. Thus, the economic sphere of society is a test that determines its form and degree of development.

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