/ / Main spheres of society

The main spheres of society

The spheres of society are a set of relations of a sustainable nature between different social objects.

Each sphere of society in itself includes socialinstitutions, certain types of human activities (for example: religious, political or educational) and the established relationships between individuals.

The main spheres of society. Kinds:

  • social (nations, peoples, classes, sex-age groups and others);
  • economic (productive relations and forces);
  • political (parties, state, socio-political movements);
  • spiritual (morality, religion, art, science and education).

Social sphere

The social sphere is a set of relations,enterprises, industries and organizations that are connected and determine the level and life of society and its welfare. To this sphere, first of all, the reliance of services - culture, education, health, physical culture, social security, public catering, passenger transport, public services, communications.

The concept of "social sphere" has different meanings,but they are all related. In sociology - this is the sphere of society, which includes different social communities and close ties between them. In political science and economics - this is a set of industries, organizations and enterprises, whose task is to improve the standard of living of society.

This sphere in itself includes different social societies and the relations between them. Occupying a certain position in society, a person enters into different communities.

Economic sphere

The economic sphere is a set of relationsbetween people, the emergence of which is due to the creation and movement of various material goods; This is the area of ​​exchange, production, consumption and distribution of services and goods. The mode of production and distribution of material wealth is the main factor that determines the specifics of economic relations.

The main task of this sphere of society is to solve such issues as: "What, how and for whom to produce?" and "how to harmonize the processes of consumption and production?".

The structure of the economic sphere of society consists of:

  • productive forces - labor (people), tools and objects of working life;
  • production relations - this is the production of goods, its distribution, further exchange or consumption.

Political sphere

The political sphere is the attitude of people whoprimarily related directly to the authorities and are engaged in ensuring joint security. The following elements of the political sphere can be singled out:

  • political institutions and organizations - revolutionary movements, social groups, presidency, parties, parliamentarism, citizenship and others;
  • political communications - forms and connections of interaction between various participants in the political process, their relations;
  • political norms - moral, political and legal norms, traditions and customs;
  • ideology and political culture - political ideas, political psychology and culture.

Spiritual sphere

The spiritual sphere is an area of ​​intangible and ideal formations that include different values ​​and ideas of religion, morality and art.

The structure of this sphere of society in itself includes:

  • morality - a system of ideals, moral norms, actions and assessments;
  • religion - different forms of worldview, which are based on faith in the power of God;
  • art - the spiritual life of man, artistic perception and mastery of the world;
  • education - the process of education and upbringing;
  • law - the norms that the state supports.

All spheres of society are closely interrelated

Each sphere has its own independence, but at the same time any of them is in close interaction with the others. The boundaries between the spheres of society are transparent and blurred.

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