/ / The object of pedagogy is ... What is the object of research in pedagogy?

The object of pedagogy is ... What is the object of research in pedagogy?

Human learning, at first glance, seemsvery simple occupation. However, in practice, it is not easy to teach someone something. After all, by nature - a person is prone to laziness, and only the need to take care of daily bread forces it to develop and acquire new knowledge and skills. That is why the process of learning a new generation is so important that for its study a whole science - pedagogy - has been created. Let's learn more about it, and also find out what is the object of pedagogy and how it differs from the subject and subject.

What is "pedagogy"?

This noun is called science, which is focused on the formation of personality in each of its age periods.

object of pedagogy as a science is

The following chain of concepts is closely connected with pedagogy: education-training-education-formation-development-socialization.

To better understand them, it is worthwhile to learn the definition of each.

  • Education - a systematic and purposeful process of forming a student's system of views and beliefs, as well as knowledge and skills.
  • Education is the process of interaction between the teacher and his ward, with the aim of assimilating the latter to the system of knowledge, the formation of his skills, and the development of natural instincts in the student.
  • Education - this concept has a dual nature. On the one hand, this is a complex of education and training. On the other hand, this is the result achieved by them.
  • Formation - the development of the personality under the influence of external factors and internal motives.
  • Development is the process of changes in a person, inthe result of which he is improving in a moral, intellectual and professional manner. Unlike other pedagogical phenomena, this has a leap-like character. In other words, the theory of trends in the development of the student can be calculated from the theory, but in practice this process takes place at an individual rate.
  • Socialization is the process of adapting an individual tosociety. Like education, this category refers to pedagogical goals. That is, pedagogy is aimed at helping the individual to find his place in society and become his full and useful member.

What are the sections of pedagogy

Before you figure out what is the object of pedagogy, it is worthwhile to find out what sections this science has. The fact is that some of them have several more highly specialized objects.

As a rule, eight sections are allocated.

  • History of pedagogy.
  • Special, it is also curative.
  • Comparative.
  • Correctional (penitentiary).
  • Age.
  • Social.
  • Practical.
  • The total.

What is the object of pedagogy as a science

Having examined in general terms what pedagogy is, it is worth moving on to the main thing.

object of pedagogy is

First of all, it is worth noting that the question "What is the object of the study of pedagogy?", Different doctrines respond in different ways.

Sometimes there is an opinion that if the subject inThis process is the teacher, then the object is directly the student himself. However, such an interpretation is not entirely correct. After all, it significantly narrows the scale of the science in question, since the person being educated is not the object of pedagogy.

The world-famous pedagogue-practitioner A.S. Makarenko in the early twentieth century. noted the fallacy of such a statement, urging colleagues to concentrate not on the student, but on his psyche. However, such a progressive view was not complete. The fact is, the human psyche (in this case a student) is an object of another science (psychology). And although this aspect is always taken into account when organizing the educational process, it is also not an object of pedagogy.

What is it then? The real object of pedagogy is education.

object of study of pedagogy is
In other words, this is the totality of phenomena and processes associated with the formation and socialization of the individual.

The subject and object in pedagogy: what is the difference?

Having considered what is the subject and object of the studied science, it is worthwhile to learn about its subject.

Like an object, it is focused on education. However, in this case, it is a practical, purposeful, thoughtful process, organized not only in general education institutions, but also in families.

What is the object of special pedagogy and social

As already mentioned above, in certain branches of the science under consideration, distinct, more highly specialized objects are distinguished.

object of special pedagogy is

So in medical pedagogy (concentrated onstudy and organization of the educational process with students who have special needs), the object is directly the personality of such a problem child. At the same time, the same process of education remains the subject.

Social pedagogy is aimed at studying and analyzing the influence of the environment on education.

As in the previous case, in general, the object of social pedagogy is the student himself. However, in particular, its adaptation in the society, in the process of personality formation is considered.

The subject of social pedagogy is the regularity of the course of socialization.

What is the object in other pedagogical sciences

In the history of pedagogy, the object is the regularity of the development (in theory and in practice) of the process of education among different peoples in different epochs, and the finding of general trends.

In the age of pedagogy - this is the formation of the child from birth to its transformation into an adult.

In the case of comparative pedagogy - this is a comparison of educational systems and institutions in different countries, the search for their features related to the culture of an individual nation.

the object of pedagogy is education

The object of penitentiary pedagogy is the educational system in correctional institutions.

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