/ / Sociology of management as a science

Sociology of management as a science

Sociology is a science that considershuman society as a single social system. Its separate branch is sociology of management. In the general scope of science, sociology studies the fundamentals of the functioning of society and the laws of its development, its structure, as well as the organization of people in society and their behavior in it. All this science is based on theory and has its own methods of investigation. In general sociology includes many different sciences, including such a rare, as an understanding of sociology.

The object of sociology is society, that is,the people united in it, as well as the diverse processes of interaction, cooperation and rivalry of people united in professional, family and other groups. In a general sense, the object of study are the processes in society and nature that affect the particular groups of people under investigation. These are the general problems of sociology under consideration.

Object-subject area of ​​any scienceexists as a unity of interaction between the object of investigation and the object that generates this or that opposition. And the subject of any science is such a part of the object of investigation that allows us to determine its features, fundamental properties, state and functions. Exactly the same science is the sociology of management.

The subject of sociology of management is the separation fromvarious objects of social life of the necessary set of all interactions and social relations of society (considered as a multisyllabic and multilevel system) associated with personality and management.

The control mechanism exists in all withoutexcluding the spheres of human activity, it is kind of integrating into them, ensuring the emergence and application of methods, forms and methods of achieving the necessary goals of the activities of society and man. Sociology of management understands under the subject of management the impact, which is based on the systematic interaction of two different actors. This is the subject of management, to which the controlling subsystems and the social object, which is a controlled subsystem, are related.

In the science itself, three main levels of management are considered:

Level 1 - top management, which is an institutional level. Behind this level (director, president) is the task of making decisions;

Level 2 - management level or middle management, which manages directly people;

Level 3 - is a subordinate, which is a technical level.

The tasks of management are examined by other sciences together with sociology:

Economics - considers the implementation of tasks and provisions of the mechanism of management.

Informatics - considers information interactions.

Cybernetics - in its sphere is the interaction of various elements of cybernetic systems and subsystems.

Psychology - considers the decision-making processes.

The sociology of management in this series isdiscipline of the middle level. It includes certain research methods and various theoretical problems. It also includes trainings and various organizational games.

The tasks of sociology of management are:

1.The study of the facts that constitute a direct and constantly evolving process of managerial activity. It is in this process that the interaction of people from different levels of the administrative pyramid is manifested.

2. Identification of important and related facts, detection on this basis, depending on the changing conditions of trends in the development of management processes.

3. The need for an explanation of why different innovations arise in the management system, and what are the possible ways to implement them.

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