Methodology of Pedagogical Science in Student Research.
Student research on pedagogy, whether it becourse work or diploma (WRC), should contribute to the development of pedagogical science. Therefore, the young researcher must clearly represent the functions of pedagogical science, and also what is the methodology of pedagogical science.
The theoretical function is realized in studying andthe explanation of advanced pedagogical experience (descriptive level), in the diagnosis of pedagogical activity, pedagogical phenomena (diagnostic level), in experimental studies of pedagogical reality, and the construction of transformation models-pedagogical theories and systems (prognostic level).
The technological function is to developmethodological materials necessary for the implementation of pedagogical concepts, theories (projective level); in approbation of the achievements of pedagogical science in educational practice (transformative level); in the evaluation of the influence of the results of pedagogical research on pedagogical practice and the possibilities for its correction (the reflexive level).
The concept of «methodology of pedagogical science " includes general principles, structure, logical organization, methods and means of cognition, transformation of reality.
Methodology of Pedagogical Science is a complex subordinate system consisting of four levels:
a) The philosophical level - the highest level, acts as a substantive basis for all methodological knowledge, determines the worldview approaches to scientific research.
Presented in several ways, inaccording to which the worldview of the studied pedagogical process takes place: neo-Thomism, positivism and neopositivism, dialectical materialism, ontologism, gnoseologism, neo-Kantianism, pragmatism and neopragmatism, existentialism, globalism and others.
b) The general scientific level includes methodological approaches to all or most of the scientific disciplines, including pedagogical ones.
The concept of "approach" emphasizes the main direction of research, a kind of angle of view on the object of study. In pedagogical research are allocated:
- a systematic approach that reflects the universal connection and interdependence of phenomena and processes of the surrounding reality;
- a comprehensive approach involving researchtaking into account the comprehensiveness of the process or phenomenon, as well as all the significant reasons for development and application of various means to achieve the goal.
- hermeneutical - reflects the need to study understanding, interpretation of texts, signs, meanings.
- paradigmatic - reveals the way of organization of scientific knowledge
c) Specific-scientific level - methodological approaches in a particular discipline, in this case in pedagogy.
At present, the scientific and pedagogicalresearch emphasizes the processes of humanization and historicization, which involve the allocation of the priority of human values, the introduction into the process of cognition of the context of culture and social life. These tendencies presuppose methodological approaches in pedagogical research: anthropological; personal; personality-oriented; activity; polysubject; acmeological; axiological; culturological; essential; phenomenological; historical; logical; civilizational; formational.
d) Technological level - the aggregatemethods, research techniques that ensure the reliability of the empirical material and its primary processing, after which it is included in the array of scientific knowledge.
Methodology of Pedagogical Science is necessary for the construction of student pedagogical research. The quality of pedagogical research makes it possible to evaluate its methodological characteristics, reflected in the introduction:
the urgency of the research, the problem, the object andthe subject of research, the purpose and objectives of the study, the hypothesis (or the main provisions to be defended), the methodological basis of the research, the methods of research, the sources of research.
Methodology of Pedagogical Science, disclosed in the listed characteristicsstudent work, allows you to quickly determine the direction of work, the choice of historical, theoretical or practical material for the study.