/ / Vidal's Milk

Vidal's Milk

Many teenagers at the age of twelvebecause of hormonal aging, sebaceous glands are activated, and as a result, acne bacteria appear in them, inflammation develops.

The cause of acne in this period ischanging due to the maturation of the body hormonal background, which increases the level of testosterone, which leads to increased work of the sebaceous glands. These glands in the human body are the most sensitive to the effects of hormones: due to an incorrect concentration of testosterone, the sebum secretion on the body begins to increase, the face glitters, glosses. As a result, acne and pimples appear, which teenagers are so embarrassed about.

Today in pharmacies sold a lot of drugsfor the treatment or prevention of acne. One of them is Vidal's milk, which modern dermatologists consider to be one of the most effective among such remedies. It has proven itself in the treatment of such a rash.

Vidal's milk is not inferior to its foreignAnalogues on efficiency, moreover: in the price it only wins. The use of this drug makes it possible to treat skin inflammation not only at the initial stages, but also in very neglected cases. With the regular use of this miracle cure, the old skin layer is exfoliated.

Vidal's Milk, the composition of which is, in fact, the most common chattle from sulfur, camphor, boric and salicylic acid and glycerin, effectively destroys pathogenic bacteria.

Each of the components individually isan excellent therapeutic agent, and in complex they affect the skin, normalizing its pH. At the same time, sulfur has antiparasitic, anti-inflammatory, itching and keratoplastic action, camphor is bactericidal, itching, while it also improves microcirculation in the skin, and boric and salicylic acids together are responsible for exfoliating, antiseptic and astringent effect.

Milk Vidal should be used in the second partday, do not wash it off before going to bed. The weak alcohol solution included in its composition does not allow bacteria to reproduce, bleeds the sebaceous glands and normalizes the alkaline balance of the skin.

Many dermatologists solve the problem of selectionthe correct remedy for acne is complex, prescribing at the same time as Vidal's milk, and mint lotion, made on a weak solution of hydrochloric acid. With the combined use of both drugs, the result of exposure is only increased. In the morning it is necessary to wipe the problem areas with lotion, and in the evening - with milk.

In especially neglected and severe cases, whenThe gums are deeply infected, Vidal's milk is better combined with an antibiotic like levomycetin. The latter has a wide spectrum of action, excellently penetrates deep layers of the skin and there it affects almost all existing bacteria that cause a purulent inflammatory process. Just as in the case of mint lotion, levomycetin alcohol, the face needs to be wiped in the morning, and the milk - for the night.

Judging by the reviews of consumers, Vidal's milkin two words, can be characterized as follows: the most suitable. Indeed, it is very effective for skin problems associated with acne, when simultaneously necessary exfoliating, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal therapeutic effect.

However, like any other drugmeans, even external application, Vidal's milk has its side effects, such as drying the skin due to alcohol, sometimes - itching, allergies, hyperemia. In any of these cases, treatment should be stopped immediately and consulted by a dermatologist.

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