/ How much breastmilk is stored in the refrigerator, and how to properly heat it?

How much breastmilk is stored in the refrigerator, and how to properly heat it?

Breast milk is a baby food thatproduces the body of a woman. It ideally satisfies the baby's need in food. Ideally, the breast gives milk in such quantity, which is completely consumed by the child at a time. But sometimes there is a need to express excess for future use. You can find out how to store it and how much breastmilk is stored in the refrigerator from this article.

how much breastmilk is stored in the refrigerator

How does normal breast milk look and smell?

Probably, many nursing mothers noticed thatExpressed milk is divided into layers. But this is not a sign of product corruption. It will become homogeneous if it is shaken in a glass bottle or jar. Expressed milk can have a different shade, density, fat content, odor in different mums. Even during the day, one mother may have a different kind of milk. Its appearance and smell depends on the food of the nursing mother. For example, onion and garlic, spices, smoking, herring can give the milk a foreign taste. And storing expressed milk in a freezer with a "self-defrosting" can lead to an unpleasant smell of soap. You can not give such food to the baby.

Colostrum, which is secreted from the chest forfeeding crumbs immediately after birth, has a yellowish-orange color, a sweet smell and a thick consistency. Colostrum will be replaced by milk on the first three days of feeding. This process can last up to three weeks if the mother irregularly feeds the baby and uses complementary foods.

Shelf life: how much breastmilk is stored in the refrigerator?

how much breast milk is stored at room temperature

To store the expressed milk, you must selectPlastic or glassware with a tight lid. There are special plastic bags for storing milk in the refrigerator. They join the breast pump, tightly closed. But you can use the usual sterile glass jars with lids. Mix milk with two or more decantings. Otherwise, it is difficult to track the quality of the product.

How much breastmilk is stored at room temperaturetemperature? It will remain fresh for up to 10 hours. If it is put in the refrigerator, the shelf life will increase to 8 days. Many mothers are interested in how much breastmilk is stored in the refrigerator, namely in the freezer. Freezing in the freezer next to foodstuffs will prolong storage for up to two weeks. A separate shelf with a lid in the freezer will save milk for 4 months. A stationary freezer with a temperature of -19 ° C can preserve milk for 6 months.

Be sure to check the milk after defrostingto taste, before feeding the child. If the taste of the product has changed, become sour, then it is unhealthy. Freeze milk should be within a day after decanting.

It is important to know not only how much breastmilk is stored in the refrigerator, but also how to properly warm it after defrosting.

storage of expressed milk

Pour the milk into a closed container and place it undera stream of warm water. Before measuring the temperature of milk, you need to shake the container, mix the contents. Do not boil, use a microwave to defrost, re-freeze breast milk. How much breastmilk is stored in the refrigerator after defrosting? No more than a day on the top shelf of the refrigerator.

The process of freezing-defrosting of breast milkwill save breastfeeding, even if you have to leave the child for a long enough period. It is important to remember that before you express your chest, wash your hands thoroughly with soap. If the mother uses a breast pump, then it must also be maintained in perfect purity. Packages for milk storage are disposable, after use they must be discarded.

All these recommendations will save baby food from bacteria and provide him with a long shelf life.

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