/ / What should I do if the monitor does not turn on when I turn on the computer

What to do if the monitor does not turn on when you turn on the computer

The computer is quite complexA device that consists of many different parts. At the same time it installs specialized programs on which its operation depends. That is why, when a certain failure occurs, it must be considered in the whole device, rather than evaluating one part.

When you turn on the computer does not turn on the monitor

For example, if you turn on the computer,the monitor turns on, there may be many reasons for this, and they may not even be connected to the monitor itself. Therefore, in order to determine the real cause of the failure, it is necessary to perform a certain sequence of actions, as a result of which a breakdown will be detected.

First of all, if the monitor does not turn on when you turn on the computer, you need to check whether the power cord of its power outlet is connected to the outlet. In doing so, make sure that the socket itself is also energized.

If everything is in order, and the fault is not eliminated, then it is necessary to check the connection of the computer to the monitor itself and, in addition, the correctness and quality of the wire connection.

If all of the above actions are completed, andwhen you turn on the computer does not turn on the monitor, then you need to check the monitor itself. To do this, you need to make sure that the power button is turned on, and if there are no changes, you should connect the monitor to another computer. Thus, it is possible to detect its breakdown.

When you turn on the computer, the monitor does not turn on

If the device turned out to be serviceable, and whenthe computer does not turn on the monitor, then you need to check the video card. On modern system blocks, this is quite simple. It is necessary to switch the video cord from the video card connector to the built-in video connector of the motherboard. If the monitor works, then the fault is in it. However, if there is no integrated graphics card on the system unit, you can rearrange the main board to another computer for verification.

If all the actions were performed correctly, and when the computer is turned on the monitor does not turn on, there is a high probability that the malfunction is in the motherboard or power supply.

The monitor does not turn on when you turn on the computer

To verify the motherboard, you need topower outages touch the hand of some chips, for the detection of high temperatures. If an overheating element was found in such a survey, then the problem is in the motherboard. If no such part is found, then the power supply can be checked. Usually the reason is that there is no power supply to the cooling fans.

When all of the above actions are completed, andthe monitor does not turn on when you turn on the computer, the last thing you can do at home is to clean the system unit from dust. It is a good conductor and can cause a short circuit, especially on old or damaged cards.
If during the course of this checka non-working part is found, or the cause of the malfunction was not found, then you should contact the service center where the computer will be checked on a special stand, and the nonworking part will be replaced.

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