/ / The monitor does not see the computer: possible causes and solutions

The monitor does not see the computer: possible causes and solutions

For a significant number of people, life is simpleis impossible without a computer. Therefore it is very unpleasant, when with the favorite device of a problem. For example, some users are faced with the fact that the computer does not see the monitor. This can happen both with a standard device, and when connecting an additional device.

the monitor does not see the computer

The reasons for this trouble are a greata bunch of. Sometimes users simply forget to connect the monitor. However, most often the problem is more global. Typically, when the computer does not see the monitor and there is no signal, the cause may be hidden in the hardware of the device. For example, this is a damaged cable, insufficient amount of RAM, a video card error, or even the motherboard itself. Slightly less problems are associated with the operation of the system itself. Let's try to understand why the computer does not see the monitor and how to solve this problem.

Power Check

First of all, it's worth starting with the simplest. No matter how absurd it may seem, sometimes it's all too obvious, and it does not occur to anyone. Therefore, if the computer does not see the monitor, it is necessary to check if the cable has gone and the device's power button is pressed. This should be indicated by a special indicator light.

If the monitor is working properly (at least, it is accurately connected) and there is no image on it, then it is worth trying to press the menu button that opens the control panel for the screen settings.

Checking computer operation

If the failure is due to incorrect operation of the PC,then it is fairly easy to verify. If the computer does not see the monitor through a VGA cable, it's enough to try to connect the screen to another device. Today, almost all modern TVs are equipped with the same connector. However, if you can not verify the operation of the monitor in this way, then it's worth paying attention to some nuances.

computer does not see monitor no signal

If the computer is malfunctioning, then on itThe indicator lights may begin to flash. If there are any problems, the power button or any other PC indicator flashes red. In addition, the computer can produce characteristic audio signals. All these signs indicate that the problem is not with the monitor, but with the PC itself.

If the computer does not see the monitor and"Peep", then this indicates possible problems with the graphics card or motherboard. In this case, you should contact the service center or try to find out in which node the failures occur.

Sometimes the monitor is connected normally, and the PC withoutproblems is included in the normal mode, but there is no image on the screen. Perhaps the device is just in sleep mode. In this case, you can try to press any buttons on the keyboard or move the mouse. If the computer does not see the monitor, then do not despair, there are still many options for fixing the problem.

Cable Inspection

If the wires are damaged, it can alsoaffect the operation of the device. It does not matter at all, the computer does not see the monitor through HDMI, DVI or VGA. Any of these wires can go away at the most unexpected moment. Most often this happens when the cable is not screwed into the back of the screen and the PC, but simply inserted.

The computer does not see the second monitor

If you use a dedicated graphics card, you needmake sure that the screen is connected to it, and not to the usual connector of the motherboard. As a rule, the system automatically disconnects the regular graphics and uses the connected device. If this does not happen, then you need to disable the submission of the picture through the "Mom" manually.

Problems with the motherboard

Many people use two monitors on their PCs. If the computer does not see the second monitor, then the problem may be that one of them is running on the motherboard, and the second one is from the video card.

In this case, the use of a different type of cable or the setting of an additional screen by another method will help. Most likely, the picture will be worse in this case.


Quite often, such problems occur,When the quality of the picture does not match the capabilities of the monitor. In this case, the screen will not work or will start to shut off with an enviable periodicity. To solve this problem, just restart the system and start it in safe mode. After that it is enough to change the resolution to a lower one.

why the computer does not see the monitor

However, everything is not so simple. The fact is that modern operating systems return the original resolution after 15 seconds. Therefore, you need to press the "Save" button in time. In addition, the system can begin to aggressively switch the resolution when it finds more suitable parameters, in its opinion.

Another situation may also occur. For example, when the monitor does not give "signs of life" when the computer is running. In this case, it's possible that the user just connected two monitors, and then turned off one of them, but the operating system did not receive this signal for some reason. In this case, it is recommended to press the Fn button (usually it is to the left of the blank) on the keyboard and press F1, F12 or another key (depending on the laptop model).

Go to BIOS

Sometimes users are faced with literallymystical behavior of devices. For example, when you turn on the PC on the monitor, information appears on the start of the system boot, but after that the image disappears and nothing else happens. In this case, the problem can be deeper, perhaps the whole thing is in Windows. What if the computer does not see the monitor in this case?

To do this, you need to download the system in a secure manner.mode and restore the OS, using the built-in system restore function. You can also manually reset the factory settings. However, you need to have sufficient knowledge and skills for this.

We check the equipment

To fix the problem, you can trydisconnect from the computer keyboard, mouse, external hard drives, printer, scanner, speakers and all other devices. Sometimes, due to problems with third-party hardware, there may be problems in the most unexpected nodes.

The computer does not see the monitor through vga

After that, you only need to turn on the monitor andcomputer and wait for the download. If this does not work, then you need to inspect all the connectors on the devices. Very often, users pull the cables too abruptly, causing the ports to stop functioning normally.

If they are damaged, you can trysolve the problem yourself or carry the device to a service center. As a rule, ports are bent in the connectors, this can be seen with the naked eye. Therefore, you can try to align them yourself.


Sometimes all the nodes of the system work properly, but inThe monitor itself also has no problems. This situation puts into a stupor any user. This is not surprising, if the PC produces a characteristic sound, and the monitor works fine with other devices. In this case, the problem can be with the processor. If it fails, the computer will emit a distinctive sound, but in fact the system will not boot. This is due to the fact that the coolers are spinning, but nothing else happens. In this case, even the motherboard can produce a number of characteristic sounds. However, with a burned-out processor, nothing can work.

The computer does not see the monitor via hdmi

Video card

This fee can also fail, provoking the problem described in the article. In this case, the PC will also produce distinctive sounds, but it will not be possible to output the image.

To check the video card, you just need to connect it to any working system unit and try to start it. If the computer does not work with another monitor, then the whole thing is in this board.

Some malfunctions can be identified with the help ofcomputer self-diagnostics. To do this, you must also insert the video card into the system unit and run the BIOS test. If during the verification process the PC starts to produce uncharacteristic and very sharp sounds, then the problem is in the board.

what to do if the computer does not see the monitor

However, before checking the video card foranother device, you need to clarify whether it is suitable for him. To do this, you need to clarify not only the system requirements, but also whether the connectors on the motherboard correspond to the ports on the "mother". To do this, consult a specialist or ask for advice on a specialized forum.

If nothing has helped, it only remains to contact the service center and conduct a full diagnosis. Will cost this is not cheap.

Also it is not recommended to try on your ownrepair the computer if the user does not have the appropriate skills and knowledge. In this case, you can cause even more damage to the machine. In the end, repairs will cost even more.

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