/ / Electrician of the OPS: job description, ranks

Electrician of the OPS: job description, ranks

The electrician of the OPS is the name of the specialty,which means "electrician of security and fire alarm." An employee for this position is required in every company that has set up an alarm in case of a fire.

In order to get this work, you needmeet professional requirements, and also have a set of personal qualities that will make the performance of job duties productive and effective.


In his work, the electrician of the OPS relies on the job description, the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as the normative acts adopted at the enterprise.

The employee is subordinated to the direct management or the director of the organization, depending on the hierarchy in the company.

The job description should contain a list of duties, requirements, rights and responsibilities that are assigned to the employee.

Acquaintance with the document occurs at the time of taking over the office, as well as in case of making changes to any of the documents.

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An electrician can be an employee who has the qualification, corresponding to the Unified tariff-qualification reference book.

Groups of electricians

There are five groups divided intoemployees of this position. For each level, their requirements and responsibilities associated with the permissions for work with electrical equipment are indicated.

The ranks of the electricians of the OPS are divided intothird, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh. The highest is the third. For this category of employees, the greatest degree of responsibility is established, their powers are the broadest. The seventh category is the lowest, employees with a given level can have a secondary special education and bear minimal responsibility due to the simplicity of the tasks entrusted.

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An electrician of higher qualification should know all that a lower-level electrician must know. This statement is relevant for all categories except the lowest, the seventh.

Required knowledge

Each bit serves a certain typeequipment, performs its duties. Depending on the admission, electricians perform more precise and responsible work or are engaged in more minor duties.

For example, the instruction of the electrician of the third-level OPS requires knowledge of him:

  • device and rules of technical data of the serviced equipment;
  • order, which checks the efficiency of control and management systems;
  • rules for the cultivation of cables in boxes, cabinets, boxes and boxes;
  • the ways in which the detectors are mounted;
  • rules for working with the simplest tool that is used for installing alarms on trusted objects;
  • the methods by which they search for malfunctions in the operation of signaling, and also the methods for their elimination;
  • bases of electrical engineering;
  • rules of security and fire safety;
  • instructions on which the workplace is kept in order;
  • the main types of deviations of operating modes from normal ones;
  • requirements for the use of fixed assets;
  • order of actions, which are aimed at the prevention of dangerous situations;
  • rules for the provision of first aid to victims in the event of injuries, poisoning or sudden illness;
  • rules aimed at protecting the environment;
  • rules of internal labor regulations;
  • sanitation, hygiene, health and safety rules.

the instruction of the electrician ops

Personality qualities necessary to work in this position include punctuality, scrupulousness, responsibility, ability to work in difficult conditions.


The job description of the electrician of the FSO entrusts him with the execution of works:

  • repair of signal lines and maintenance of the line;
  • Examination of cable routes;
  • cleaning of contacts and contactors, cords, switches, buttons and other basic and auxiliary equipment;
  • laying of lines and suspension of lines by simple schemes;
  • soldering and assembling of branching, connecting and termination couplings;
  • verification of the installation carried out using simple instruments;
  • The elimination of defects that appeared during the assembly of simple schemes;
  • carrying out of maintenance, installation, adjustment, repair of devices;
  • Attachment of detectors to building structures with the help of screws, staples, dowels;
  • installation of boxes of couplers, laying of wires in boxes and on building structures;
  • digging of special trenches, work on implementation of auxiliary measures;
  • checking the operability of active and passive detectors and elements of access control and monitoring systems.


Regardless of which category has the electrician of the OPS, he has the right to:

  • providing him with personal protective equipment, the necessary tools and materials, a workplace equipped according to his needs;
  • creating a comfortable work environment and conditions that meet the standards of labor protection;
  • informing the immediate management of the shortcomings that are revealed in the company's activities within its responsibilities;
  • making proposals for the elimination of detected malfunctions.

discharges of electricians ops


The electrician of the OPS is responsible for the performance of his direct duties. In addition, in his activities he is responsible for:

  • improper performance or non-performance of works, which are listed in the job description;
  • non-compliance with HSE regulations, internal regulations, fire safety;
  • violation of the security of the material and technical values ​​entrusted to him;
  • the organization of material damage, in this clause the liability is determined within the framework of the current legislation.


The work of the electricianhigh level of responsibility. Employees in different regions of the country can count on different levels of wages. However, most often for this position, the level of payment is set at 15,000 rubles.

job description of electrician ops

If there is a vacancy in a large company, the candidate must understand that he will be responsible for the system that protects a large number of people.

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