/ / Job instructions of the electric and gas welder. Standard job description

The job description of the electric gas welder. Standard job description

Service instruction is a normative document,which prescribes the obligations, privileges and responsibilities of employees of the enterprise in carrying out activities that correspond to its position.

What is the job description

This document will help the management correctlyto distribute duties, to increase efficiency, reliability of performance of commissions, to improve mutual relations in collective, to define interrelation between workers. Also, the service manual allows you to determine the privileges and responsibilities of employees, increases the level of responsibility in the team, is considered a stimulant of employees and distributes evenly the duties.

The job description is developed onthe basis of the directory, management functions, various standards, surveys and regulations. It is created for each position separately. Before applying for work, each employee is introduced to the instruction, then he puts a confirmatory signature.

Scope of the job description

The service instruction is applied at such stages:

  • When selecting employees during hiring.
  • Acquaintance of the new employee with his rights and duties.
  • When it is required to evaluate the activity of an employee.
  • To effectively manage the workers.
  • When attestation is carried out.
  • To determine the need for staff training.

What is the job description for?

This document is of a recommendatory nature forheads of enterprises. Every entrepreneur must decide if he needs a job description or not. But it is worthwhile to understand that it is necessary for personnel management, and the requirements in it will help to evaluate and develop the abilities of subordinates. If relatives and friends work at one enterprise, the service manual will help in resolving various disputes.

Legal grounds for the service instruction

Having studied the entire Labor Code, it is impossible to findmentions of the job description, as it is not an obligatory document. But in order to protect the rights of the employee and the employer, an employment contract must necessarily be concluded, the nuances of which are detailed in the Code. But the instruction will help to specify the functions of the employee. Also it is worth considering that for the absence of this document the entrepreneur will not bear any responsibility.

Electric welder 5 categories

Job instructions of the electric welder 5discharge is made in accordance with the Labor Code. The electric gas welder belongs to the working class and is recruited only if there is a profiling education and work experience in this position.

job description of electric welder 5 rd category

It's hard to cope with welding, it's a harmful job. The electric gas welder is subject to great physical stresses, if safety is not observed, injuries incompatible with life can be obtained. When working, he must be guided by the following:

  • Acts, instructions and recommendations.
  • Company Charter.
  • Internal Regulations.
  • Norms of labor protection, safety rules, adhere to fire protection.
  • Direct executive orders.
  • Service instruction.

The electric gas welder should know the different schemes,the design of welding machines, the properties of metals, the operation of welding machines, the rules for preparation of edges, the designation and application of measuring instruments, the structure of the welded seam, the rules for preparing parts, and so on. The job description of the electric gas welder describes in more detail all duties and functions.

job электрогазосварщик

The electric gas welder has such privileges:

  • Social guarantees.
  • Has the right to demand from the authorities the performance of their official duties and the exercise of privileges.
  • Require conditions and necessary equipment for the implementation of work.
  • To study the decisions of the director, who directly relate to his activities.
  • To make recommendations on improvement of activity of the enterprise.
  • Execute a request for the presentation of documentation required for the performance of various works.
  • To improve qualification.

He is also responsible for the failure to fulfill his official duties, for the losses incurred and for the offenses that have occurred in the course of his labor activity.

Electric welder 4 categories

The job description of the electric welder of the 4th category describes in detail all the rights and duties of the employee, whom he must adhere to during his labor activity.

job description of electric welder 4 categories

The instruction is developed by thethe basis of the Labor Code and other regulatory documents. Electric welder is ranked as a worker and is appointed to this position only if there is special education and work experience by profession. In work, he is obliged to be guided by all regulatory acts in the field of welding, the company's charter, safety standards and so on.

The job description of an electric gas welder indicates the knowledge and skills that he should use during welding.

job description of an electric welder

He also obeys the immediate superior. It is entrusted with the following functions:

  • Manual arc, plasma and gas welding of various parts and seams.
  • Manual oxygen, plasma and gas rectilinear and figured cutting.
  • Welding of parts from cast iron.
  • Hot edits of complex details and so on.

Coping with a welding machine is difficult, this work is very responsible. Electric gas welder in default of his duties is punished, up to dismissal by decision of the management.

Electric Gas Welder 6 categories

The job description of the electric gas welder of the 6th category is compiled in accordance with the Labor Code and regulatory acts of the enterprise directly by management.

job description of electric gas welder of the 6th category

He is released and appointed to the postonly in consultation with the higher authorities and the head of the enterprise. The electric gas welder is obliged to know the information about various alloys, schemes of automatic machines and semiautomatic devices, types of corrosion, types of heat treatment of welding joints and the basis of welding seams.

The job description of an electric gas welder indicates his rights:

  • Give out subordinate employees instructions.
  • Monitor the execution of assignments and tasks.
  • Has the right to request and receive the necessary documentation for the implementation of the workflow.
  • Cooperate with other enterprises on production issues.
  • To study the decisions of managers who directly concern his work.
  • Make suggestions for improving the work.

Also, an electric gas welder of the 6th category is responsible for non-fulfillment or violation of official duties, for the damage caused and for the offenses that have occurred in the course of his activity.

Electric welder of manual welding

The job description of an electric welder welcomes the duties, privileges and responsibilities for his work.

job description manual electric welder

In this position the person has the right to worksecondary education and related training. From his position he can be released only by the head of the enterprise. The electric and gas welder submits to the head of the subdivision.

The job description of an electric gas welder is moredetails his skills. Also, he must be prepared to work with the welding machine, conduct work on manual electric welding and carry out quality control.

Deciding to get a job, it is worth understanding that you need to fulfill the duties that are prescribed in the employment contract or job description.

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