What is Chicken McNagets, and how to cook them
Of course, everyone who has ever visited McDonald's knows that one of the specialties is Chicken McNagets. But what is it, what is it made of, and how to prepare it?
Chicken nuggets

The fillet, which forms the basis of ChickenMcNagets ", - chicken breast. As a rule, white meat, which turns out to be quite dry in other dishes, changes beyond recognition in nuggets. In various establishments with fast food, chicken pieces are fried in a deep-fried crust. A semi-finished products bought in the store, you can just warm up in a skillet with sunflower oil.
Interesting fact: chicken nuggets like everyone without exception. Both adults and children. They will taste even to those who do not like dried chicken fillet from the breast.
Disadvantages of purchased nuggets
Significant disadvantages of "Chicken McNagets" and any other nuggets that you can try in institutions or buy in stores are their composition and method of preparation.

In addition, according to the original recipe,the basis of nuggets is the white fillet of chicken breast. But the options that are offered on the shelves are not always cooked out of it. Sometimes it can be just stuffing, but it's also incomprehensible what the person is.
Tip: it is better to cook Chicken McNagets at home on your own. Then you will be sure of the composition of the product for one hundred percent. In addition, they are prepared fairly simply and will not take you much time.
How to cook Chicken McNagets at home
In order to pamper yourself with delicious andfragrant chicken nuggets, you need to do the following: buy chicken fillet (breast), cut it into small pieces, pan and fry. As you can see, nothing complicated! In addition, when cooking at home, you can experiment with the taste of the dish by adding your favorite spices.

- 500 grams of chicken (fillet);
- 200 ml of fatty (10-15%) cream;
- vegetable oil, bread crumbs;
- salt, pepper, sesame.
Cut the chicken breast into slices. Each is 1 centimeter thick. It is more convenient to cut across the fibers. Salt and pepper to taste. Then add the cream to the fillet and put in the refrigerator. Let it marinate for four hours.
The next stage is breading. To make the chicken even more appetizing, add sesame to breadcrumbs. Then roll the pieces in the finished mixture.
Roasting. Nuggets are prepared in vegetable oil. Fry them well on both sides, so that the hen gets a golden color.
How to cook Chicken McNagets with stuffing
There is another unusual recipe for nuggets. To do this, you need the following products:

- chicken fillet (breast) - 600 grams;
- ham - 200 grams;
- Hard cheese - 200 grams;
- 1 egg;
- 1 bag of potato chips with cheese or ham flavor;
- Ground black pepper, curry, salt.
Cut chicken fillets into small pieces, sprinkle with spices (curry, pepper, salt) to taste. Put into a saucepan, mix and close the lid. Put in the refrigerator for 3 hours.
In small cubes, cut the ham and cheese. Mix them with each other. Then grind the potato chips. In each chicken piece, make a small incision. Stuff with cheese and ham so that they do not fall out when roasting.
Whisk the eggs and dab each nuggets into them. Then roll them in breadcrumbs (crushed chips) and fry in oil until golden crusty crust.
You can come up with many interesting wayscooking all your favorite "Chicken McNagets", giving them personality and enjoying praise from loved ones and friends. It's quite easy. It takes only a little time and desire from you.