/ How to make a dough for buns?

How to make a dough for buns?

Appetizing muffin buns are an excellent dish,ideally suited to please the closest people even on a holiday, even during a normal breakfast. A great smell will wake her husband and children. Delicious buns are a great start to any day! Consider how to quickly and easily cook buns from butter and from the puff pastry.

Dough for rolls

Buns of dough

You will need to stock up on the following products: a glass of milk, a pound of flour, 2 eggs, 3 tablespoons of sugar, a spoon of margarine, vegetable oil, salt, yeast.

To prepare the dough, you need to grind the eggs,sugar and salt. Melt the margarine to the consistency of sour cream, add to the mixture. Yeast pour into a glass, adding a little warm water, leave for 10 minutes, pour in the future dough. It remains to add flour and a little vegetable oil. Leave the dough on the rolls for 2 hours.

Roll out the dough carefully, greaseoil and sprinkle with sugar. Then roll it in the form of a roll, cut into smooth slices. Each piece dazzle down to get a rose. You can dream up and come up with any other original forms of your baking. Roll the buns on a baking tray, pre-oiled. Leave the baking for 15 minutes so that it will rise slightly. Then you can lubricate the top of the rolls with whipped protein or sugar syrup.

Now it remains to bake the dish in the oven,heated to 200 degrees. After 20 minutes, appetizing buns will be ready. Rouge pastry should be taken out of the oven, put on a plate. On top, you can sprinkle with poppy seeds or cinnamon.

Buns with cinnamon from puff pastry

Buns with cinnamon from puff pastry

Take a pound of flour, 100 grams of cheese, 4 tablespoons of butter, a glass of kefir, a spoonful of sugar, a spoonful of baking powder, salt, soda.

Before preparing the dough, cut cheese and butter into cubes and freeze for 30 minutes.

Then proceed to prepare the dish. To make a dough for buns, put all ingredients, except kefir, in a mixer or blender. Stir to a coarse consistency. Then pour in kefir and mix thoroughly with a spoon. Transfer the resulting dough to a board, pre-sprinkled with flour. Roll out the dough by dividing it into the desired number of buns (from this volume, about 10-12 buns are obtained). Form the desired shape (rose, hearts, bagel, triangle), shift the pastry onto a baking sheet, covered with parchment, so that the products are not burnt.

Dough for buns can be bought in the store, ifyou do not want to mess around with cooking. Then put your creations in a heated to 230 degree oven for 14 minutes, waiting until they are a pleasant golden color. Take the buns from the oven, sprinkle cinnamon with sugar.

Buns of dough

So, pastry from puff or dougheasy to do at home. Try these simple recipes by making a dough for buns - they are obtained in both cases very delicate and fragrant. Serve to the table with freshly brewed tea and a favorite jam, for example, strawberry or cherry. Your family will appreciate your culinary masterpiece by eating fresh sugar buns with poppy seeds or cinnamon. Bon Appetit!

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