/ / Quick recipe for halva.

Quick recipe for halva.

Currently, there is a huge numbervarious recipes, with which the preparation of halva becomes very easy and quick occupation. The advantages of halva include extraordinary taste and a huge amount of useful microelements. Well, to the shortcomings is a very high energy value of this product. So, if you decide to lose weight a little, that is, this eastern sweetness is not recommended by dietitians.

About how to cook halva written a lotarticles. Moreover, the recipe for halva is changing everywhere, as many people add their notes and advice to it. It is worth noting that such a product is fairly easy to prepare at home. Basically, any recipe for halva contains a usual set of ingredients, which include sunflower seeds and nuts. For their quick grinding, it is best to use a meat grinder, a coffee grinder or even a small food processor, in which all the seeds will be crushed into fine shavings. In general, halva's recipe does not have anything complicated. These ingredients can be easily found in any of the supermarkets or grocery stores. The most common recipes of this product from sunflower seeds or peanuts, but also sometimes there are recipes with walnuts. A universal recipe for halva is as follows.

To make delicious halva we need:

- 2 cups of sunflower seeds;

- 1,5-2 cups of flour of high quality;

- 2 cups of sugar;

- half a glass of boiled water;

- 350 g of olive or sunflower oil.

To prepare an astringent mass, it is necessaryrinse and fry sunflower seeds, turn them 2-3 times through a sieve with the help of a meat grinder or a food processor along with the husk. Then, separately from this mixture in enamelware, it is necessary to heat the red flour, constantly stirring at the same time. After this, it is necessary to mix the flour with a mass of seeds and several more times to turn all the resulting mass through a meat grinder. Then you can do the preparation of the syrup: pour all the prepared sugar with water, and on a strong fire bring the whole mass to a boil, then remove the foam and cook for another medium heat until the taste disappears from the boiled water in the syrup.

After that, the resulting syrup is removed from the fire, andpour in a small amount of sunflower oil. All the consistency is quickly shaken and add to the consistency of ground seeds. This kneading should be mixed with a mixer and shifted into a shape. It remains only to put halva in the refrigerator to freeze under some kind of press.

Each halva recipe has its own unique color: If you use peanuts, you will get the color from light cream, and to yellowish, and if sunflower seeds are used, then the color of halva will be grayish. The average humidity of halva should be within 4-5%, and the total content of sugar impurities in the mixture is about 25-45%. It is worth noting the high fat content only in peanut, nut and combined halva. In halva of sunflower seeds, fat should not be more than 25%, and in ordinary sesame and walnut about 30%.

In halva instead of sunflower seeds and peanutsalso often put hazelnuts, pistachios and other varieties of nuts. In any case, according to this recipe, the final result should be very tasty. Quite often honey is added to the mixture. It is worth noting that this gives the halva not only an exquisite taste, but also many useful properties. But when using a small amount of honey, it is necessary to preheat and thicken it. After that, honey should be removed from the fire, fill it with a few nuts, and mix all the resulting mass quickly. I hope that you will like this halva recipe!

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