/ / Pie with chicken puff: a step-by-step recipe

Pie with chicken puff: step by step recipe

Cake - a dish that takes in cookingspecial place. After all, despite what they are: with meat, cottage cheese, vegetables, jam - these products are always welcome on our dining table. And the hero of our today's article is a pie with chicken. Puff, produces a stunning flavor and has an unrivaled taste. We will tell you about several ways to prepare this dish. More precisely, about the filling options, thanks to which each product will have its own flavor. So, the pie with chicken - puff, unusually tasty and quick to prepare. We offer a detailed step-by-step recipe.

pie with chicken puff

Step one

And you can do it in two ways. Go to the store and buy ready-made semi-finished product - puff pastry. Or get together with the spirit and make it yourself. Option one is much more productive in the sense that it does not take much time, especially if the store is near the house. The second, of course, more laborious. Nevertheless, he will give confidence to the owner that her baking will be really good in all respects.

Next, talking about how to cook a cake withchicken puff, we will not mention how to take the dough. The choice will remain with the hostess. But just in case, we will offer you the simplest recipe.

Make the dough

A pound of good flour mixed with salt,add a glass of boiled water and a gram of fifty creamy, pre-melted butter. Carefully we knead the future base of our pie and send it wrapped in film for an hour in the fridge. Then we take out, cut (by the type of petals) into four parts, roll out.

puff pastry with chicken
In the middle we lay out three hundred grams of creamy(soft) oil, cover it with "petals", making a kind of envelope. And then, strictly in one direction, roll it out. The resulting layer is stacked in three, we can four layers, send it back to the refrigerator. And again for an hour. You will have to make four more of these rolling, each time in different directions every time. Long? Yes! But you wanted the dough to be your own, homemade. So do not grumble. And when everything is ready, you can begin to prepare a pie made of puff pastry with chicken.

Step two: prepare the filling

Chicken fillet (the amount of it will depend on thethe size of your future masterpiece, but usually several pieces are enough) mine and cut into small pieces. To make the filling more juicy, you can cut a small piece of brisket. Perch-solim. Fry all. We remove from the fire. Add the chopped small two boiled eggs and chopped green onion. Solim.

Step Three: Cooking Pie

Take the form, put it into two thirds (as alreadymentioned, take either a store or your own) of the dough, so that it goes to the sides. Then - stuffing. The remaining third cover it, we patch the edges. We make punctures with a fork or knife. If desired, lubricate (naturally, raw) with yolk. We send it to the oven. The optimum temperature is one hundred and eighty degrees. In forty minutes your pie with puff chicken will be ready.

puff pastry with chicken and potatoes

With chicken and potatoes

As you can see, a puff pastry cake withthe chicken is cooked quite simply and quickly, especially if you do not do the dough on your own. In addition, leaving the chicken as the main ingredient, you can diversify the filling. And as due to the simplest products, and adding more refined components. Let's take the simplest version - try to cook a puff cake with chicken and potatoes.

How? Yes, it's very simple. Almost the same as last time. The only difference is that we exclude eggs from the filling, but we will add potatoes. You can also take and not fillets, but let's say, meat legs.

pie flaky pastry chicken mushrooms

So, three hundred grams of chicken meat againgrind with a knife, fry together with one freely cut onion. Three large potatoes cut straws. Fry in a separate frying pan. Dough lay out the same as last time, in the form, filling - in layers. Meat + potatoes. Close, tear, pierce. We put in the oven at the same temperature as for the first time. After forty-five minutes we take out, cover our pie with a linen clean towel. In a minute or twenty you can tell your family that it's time to eat wonderful baked goods.

What else can you make such a pie?

Puff pastry + chicken + mushrooms - great combination! Such pies are hearty, tasty, they are liked by everyone without exception.

To cook a pie with chicken puff, withmushrooms, as the latter you can take, say, the same mushrooms. Excellent and suitable forest gifts - honey mushrooms, chanterelles. Actually, there are no strict rules. What you have in the fridge - then put it in the filling. And for its preparation, take the same few pieces of chicken fillet, chop it slice and fry together with the onion. As for mushrooms, they can be cut as you like. Or even take whole hats of champignons. Just do not forget to fry too, so that during the preparation of the pie they do not start the juice.

puff pastry with chicken and cheese

Then oil it (or make a bakerypaper) your baking sheet, roll out the dough. Put the filling on the middle. And on two corners of the dough make a knife small nadreziki. After that, thread the opposite edges of the formation in them. In the end, you get a beautiful envelope. To make it even more attractive after cooking, grease the top with a whipped yolk. And send your product for thirty minutes into the oven. All at the same temperature indicated above - one hundred and eighty degrees.

If there is a desire, you can sprinkle the filling finelygrated cheese of any kind. In the end, get a puff cake with chicken, and cheese, and mushrooms. By the way, this lactic acid product can be added, by and large, to any stuffing. With him, the pie will only taste better. The only thing that should not be overlooked, is that the cheese itself is salty enough, and therefore the rest of the ingredients are better and not at all "white death".


Of course, this is not all cooking recipessuch a pie. There are a lot of them in piggy banks. However, the ones given by us are basic, on the basis of which you can create your own. The main thing is not to embarrass your own imagination.

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