/ / Cake with mushrooms and cheese: interesting recipes

Pie with mushrooms and cheese: interesting recipes

Homemade pie with mushrooms and cheese is obtainedincredibly tasty and fragrant. It can be prepared from yeast or puff pastry. In today's article the most interesting and simple recipes of this baking are collected.

Variant on an opaque

This recipe can be quite easyto cook a lush delicious pie. Of course, this process takes a relatively long time, but the result will surpass all the boldest expectations. To bake a yeast homemade pie with mushrooms and cheese, your kitchen should have a certain set of products. This list includes:

  • 100 milliliters of milk.
  • 2.5 cups of flour.
  • On a teaspoon of high-speed yeast and sugar.
  • 300 milliliters of whey or kefir.
  • A large chicken egg.
  • 0,5 kg of champignons.
  • 300 grams of Ossetian cheese.
  • Two large heads of onions.

pie with mushrooms and cheese

In addition, you need a little salt, ground pepper and vegetable oil. If in the supermarkets of your city do not sell Ossetian cheese, then it can be replaced with more affordable suluguni.

Process description

The recipe for a pie with mushrooms and cheese is very simple,so with him easily manage any mistress. In order for you to get a magnificent air baking, first of all you need to do the test. For its preparation in a cup filled with warmed milk, dissolve yeast and sugar. There also send a little flour and leave in the warmth for twenty minutes.

When a magnificent foam appears on the surface of the opaquea hat, eggs are added to it, serum heated to room temperature, and sifted flour. All the well kneaded, put into a deep bowl, covered with a clean linen napkin and put into heat for an hour and a half. During this period of time, the dough is twice kneaded.

puff pastry with mushrooms and cheese

While it is suitable, you can tackle the filling. In a frying pan, greased with preheated vegetable oil, shredded onion and fry. When it acquires a light golden hue, the mushrooms cut into plates are added to it and extinguished with minimal heat until the liquid evaporates completely. At the very end, the ready-made stuffing is salted, peppered and removed from the plate. Send the grated cheese to the dishes with chilled mushrooms.

The dough and filling are divided into three approximately equalparts. From each of them form a ball and knead it into a flat cake. In the center of each workpiece put the filling, patching the edges, stacked on the table so that the seam is at the bottom, and gently rolled up to the diameter of the mold. After this, each pie with mushrooms and cheese is sent to the oven and baked at 200 degrees. After twenty minutes, the products are removed from the oven and smeared with butter.

Puff Pastry Option

This recipe will be a real godsend for allWomen who have to combine household management and work. Surely they will often bake this delicious pie with mushrooms and cheese. Puff pastry is good because it does not have to be done by hand. Now it can be purchased at any grocery store, which greatly facilitates the process. Before you approach the stove, make sure that you have:

  • The layer of the purchased puff pastry.
  • Chicken breast.
  • 300 grams of fresh champignons.
  • Fresh egg.
  • 100 grams of any hard cheese.
  • Middle head of onions.

pie with chicken mushrooms and cheese

To make a delicious and delicious pie withchicken, mushrooms and cheese, additionally stock up with a small amount of mayonnaise, salt and ground pepper. Due to the presence of these ingredients, baking will become more aromatic.

Technology of preparation

Since this time it is not necessary to knead the dough,you can immediately engage in the filling. For its preparation in a frying pan, greased with vegetable oil, fry chopped onions and chopped mushrooms. After they cool, they are sent to pre-cooked pieces of chicken, grated cheese and mayonnaise. All salt, pepper and mix well.

pie with mushrooms and cheese puff pastry

Defrosted dough spread on the workingsurface and roll out. In the center, the filling is distributed uniformly and the opposite edges are gently slapped. The resulting semi-finished product is placed on a baking tray, lubricated with good sunflower oil, and sent to the oven. Bake a puff cake with mushrooms and cheese for about 25 minutes at 180 degrees.

Jellied variant

For the preparation of this delicious and satisfying pieyou will need not only a certain set of ingredients, but also a multivarker. Before you start kneading the dough, check to see if you have at hand:

  • 400 grams of fresh mushrooms.
  • Large bulb onion.
  • 4 chicken eggs.
  • 1.25 cups of wheat flour.
  • 80 grams of any hard cheese.

In addition, you should take care that at the right time at hand was found a teaspoon of baking powder, a little vegetable oil and breadcrumbs.

Algorithm of actions

In a heated frying pan fry the crushedonions and chopped mushrooms. At the very end, they are salted, seasoned with spices and removed from the fire. While the filling cools, you can do the test. For its preparation in a suitable bowl, combine the eggs, salt, sifted flour and baking powder. All carefully knead. After this, grated cheese is added to the finished dough.

recipe pie with mushrooms and cheese

A bowl of multivark oil is smeared with a small amountquality vegetable oil, sprinkled with breadcrumbs and spread out half of the existing dough. On its surface, evenly distribute the filling. It is important that it does not come into contact with the walls of the device. Everyone pours the remains of the dough. Bake a pie with mushrooms and cheese for 50 minutes.

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