/ How to cook a homemade pie with meat and mushrooms?

How to cook a homemade pie with meat and mushrooms?

Surely many of you like it when in the dwellingsmells like homemade cakes. But modern housewives infrequently pamper their relatives with such delicacies, arguing this with a banal lack of free time. After reading today's article, you will learn how to quickly and simply cook a delicious flavored pie with meat and mushrooms.

Option with potatoes

It should immediately be noted that according to this recipeyou can bake a hearty and delicious pie. It is also important that the technology of its preparation does not require special culinary skills. And many products that are part of the test and stuffing, there are always in every house. To avoid unpleasant surprises, check in advance if you have all the components you need at hand. In your arsenal should be such products:

  • 400 grams of potatoes.
  • Fresh chicken egg.
  • About 200 grams of wheat flour.
  • Large bulb onion.
  • 200 grams of fresh champignons.
  • One large chicken fillet.

To make you really delicious andaromatic pie with potatoes, meat and mushrooms, the above list should be supplemented with a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil, salt, pepper, butter and parsley.

pie with meat and mushrooms

Plus, you have to cook not only the dough and stuffing, but also the filling. To do this you will need:

  • 200 milliliters of cream.
  • Pair of chicken eggs.
  • Salt, black pepper and basil.

As for the latter, it can be used in fresh or dried form. And those who do not like its aroma, you can advise and completely abandon this spice.

Process description

To bake a pie with meat and mushrooms, at firstshould do the test. To do this, take boiled potatoes in a uniform, clean it and grind it on an average grater. In a container with a prepared vegetable, send salt, ground pepper and pre-sifted flour. The last one needs to be poured a little, so as not to overdo it. All the well kneaded until a not too steep, slightly sticky dough.

pie with meat and mushrooms recipe

At the second stage, you can start cookingfillings. To do this, fry in advance a prepared and chopped onion in a frying pan, oiled with vegetable oil. When it becomes golden, add washed and cut mushrooms to it. The contents of the frying pan are stewed on low heat until the liquid evaporates completely.

After that, cooked and chopped chicken fillet, chopped parsley, salt and pepper are sent to onions and mushrooms. All the well mix and stew for a few minutes.

In a baking dish, greased with creamybutter, spread the potato dough, from above evenly distribute the cooled stuffing and water it with a mixture consisting of cream, raw eggs, salt, ground pepper and basil. All this is sent to the oven, heated to 180 degrees. After about half an hour, a potato pie with meat and mushrooms, the recipe of which is presented above, can be served to the table.

Option with cheese

This recipe is interesting in that it usesready-made puff pastry. Nevertheless, this pie with meat, cheese and mushrooms is so delicious that it is eaten much more quickly than it does. To verify the veracity of this statement, go to the store in advance and stock up on all the necessary products. You should have at your disposal such ingredients:

  • Half a kilo of puff pastry and chicken fillet.
  • Two ripe tomatoes.
  • 200 grams of the frozen mushrooms and hard cheese.
  • Fresh chicken egg.
  • Large bulb onion.

pie with meat, cheese and mushrooms

To have your pie with meat and mushrooms in the oven has not turned out bland and tasteless, in the above list should further include the salt and pepper.


In one bowl combine pre-prepared mushrooms, chopped chicken fillet and grated cheese. All is well mixed until a uniform consistency is obtained.

The finished puff dough is divided into two unequal parts. A smaller, about a quarter of the total mass, is used as a kind of lid. Most of the roll is not too thin layer and put on the bottom of the mold. On top, the diced onion is cut into half rings, followed by a mixture of chicken, cheese and champignons. The last layer is laid thin slices of tomatoes. The edges of the dough are wrapped inwards, covered with a "lid" and carefully tampered, without forgetting to make a hole through which the steam will exit.

pie with meat and mushrooms in the oven

The future cake is smeared with a beaten egg and sent to a preheated oven. The product is baked for one hour at one hundred and eighty degrees.

Variant with pickled mushrooms

This pie is good because used for itCooking products can easily be replaced with other ingredients. So, instead of cheese you can take mayonnaise or eggs, whipped with sour cream or cream. Nevertheless, in order to avoid unpleasant surprises, it is advisable to inspect the contents of your own pantry in advance for all the necessary components. In this case, your fridge should have the following products:

  • 250 grams of minced meat.
  • A pair of fresh chicken eggs.
  • 100 grams of pickled mushrooms.
  • A couple tablespoons of low-fat sour cream.
  • 400 grams of purchased puff pastry.

To your relatives could try a baked pie with meat and mushrooms, you need to complete this list with four canned tomatoes and a small amount of oil to lubricate the mold.

Technological process

Pre-rolled out purchased dough spread onthe bottom of the form, oiled, not forgetting to mold the sides. Top with a thin, even layer spread the blended canned tomatoes and plate-cut mushrooms. Then on the surface, carefully distribute the stuffing and pour it with eggs, whipped with sour cream.

pie with potatoes meat and mushrooms

After that, a future pie with meat and mushroomsis placed in a preheated oven. Approximately in half an hour on it there will be a beautiful ruddy crust, testifying that it is time to take out the product from the oven and serve it to the table. To eat such a pie is better in hot form.

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