/ / Beshbarmak - this is what? Recipe beshbarmaka at home in the multivark

Beshbarmak is what? Recipe beshbarmaka at home in the multivark

Beshbarmak - what is this? The answer to this difficult culinary question you will find in the materials of this article. Also we will tell you about what ingredients are needed to prepare the mentioned dish, how it should be properly done and so on.

beshbarmak this

General information about the dish

Beshbarmak is a traditional hot dish of Turkic-speaking peoples. It is made from meat and other ingredients.

The word "beshbarmak" is a Turkic word. The dish it designates may be called somewhat differently. For example, some culinary experts refer to him as "bishbarmak", while others - "bobarmakom". It depends on what language is used. After all, this dish is traditional for many countries (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, etc.).

In any case, beshbarmak is not just a setletters, and the whole phrase, which in translation means "five fingers" or "five fingers" (formed from the word "besh", that is, "five", and "barmak", that is, "fingers").

Why does this dish have such a strange name? The fact is that at one time it was a traditional dinner of nomadic peoples. And, as is known, nomads have never used the cutlery we used. Therefore, they ate this dish with their hands, that is, with five fingers.

Description of the Turkic dish

Beshbarmak homemade is a dish,consisting of finely chopped boiled meat and noodles. It should be noted that such a dinner has some features in the technology of cooking and serving to the table, which, in fact, allows you to achieve its excellent taste.

What ingredients are used during cooking?

Beshbarmak at home is easy to cook. But to get a really delicious and nutritious lunch, you should strictly follow all prescription requirements.

beshbarmak recipe with photo

Classic beshbarmak is made from oilylamb on the bone. Although some of the nomadic peoples, such a dish was made to cook from beef or horse meat. Today, the recipe for beshbarmak at home can include a bird and even pork. However, the latter option is still undesirable. After all, from pork it is very difficult to get a rich, aromatic and tasty dish. Therefore, we propose to use only suitable ingredients.

As for the remaining components,Only fresh vegetables and herbs should act. Also, the recipe for beshbarmak at home requires the use of a special test. Noodles are made from it. But not the one to which we are accustomed.

This component is a large chopped egg dough (usually in the form of diamonds), which is boiled in a meat broth, and then served with beef, lamb and so on.

By the way, the great importance is also in what sequence the ingredients are laid out in the plate. The classic option includes the following: noodles, meat, vegetables, greens and broth.

Home beshbarmak: a recipe with a photo of a delicious Türkic dish

Before starting to prepare thisdishes, you should choose the right meat. In this recipe, we decided to use veal on the bone. Applying this product, you will receive, truly, a delicate and tasty dinner, which can be safely served even at the festive table.

So what components will we need to prepare our own home beshbarmak? The recipe (with photo) of the dish requires the purchase of the following ingredients:

  • meat of a calf on a bone - about 800 g;
  • onion white - 4 large heads;
  • garlic young with stems - about 3-4 pcs .;
  • fresh parsley - a couple of large beams;
  • flour sifted - from 500 g (for dough);
  • eggs of raw large - 2 pcs. (for the test);
  • carrots juicy - 2 pieces;
  • drinking cold water - ½ cup (for dough);
  • spices different - apply to taste (preferably use ziru and black pepper shredded);
  • salt cooked - add to the dish to taste.

beshbarmak recipe at home

We process ingredients for the preparation of the first dish

How to implement the recipe "Beshbarmak" from beef? First, you need to process all the components.

Meat of calf on a bone is thoroughly washed incool water, removing all inedible elements. Then they start cleaning the vegetables. Onions are freed from the husks, and carrots - from the navels and peel. The first product is shredded by semirings, and the second by circles.

Also, separately rinse fresh parsley and young garlic with stems. After that they are finely chopped with a knife.

Cooking meat products

How should I prepare a home beshbarmak? Recipe (with the photo of the ready-made dish you can see above) requires the use of a large pot. In it lay the meat of the calf on a bone and pour cold water. Then the contents of the dishes are brought to a boil, after which the foam is carefully removed, which formed on the surface of the broth.

In this form, the meat product is closed with a lid andcook on very low heat for 55 minutes. During this time, veal should be almost completely prepared (but not completely). By the way, for ¼ hour before the plate is turned off in the broth, you need to add a pinch of zira and table salt.

Once the meat is ready, it is removed from thedishes and spread on a large plate. Slightly cool the product, it is separated from the bones and shredded in medium pieces. As for the broth, the uppermost fat part is removed from it (in the volume of 2 cups). Then it is poured into a small saucepan, where later it is spread the chopped meat, half-rings of onions (2 heads), carrot circles, garlic with stems and parsley. Pepper the ingredients, they put them back on the stove and very slowly extinguish under the closed lid. After 35-40 minutes, the yam should become soft and gentle.

Mesem dough

Dough for beshbarmak is prepared quite simply. If you do not know how to do this, then we'll talk about it right now.

Raw chicken eggs must be thoroughly beatenfork, and then add drinking water to them. After mixing the ingredients, carefully sift the sifted flour to them. After mixing the basics, you should get a pretty steep egg dough. It is wrapped with a food film, and kept for some time (for half an hour).

beshbarmak recipe from chicken

Then the base is divided into 2-4 parts and rolled into thin layers. In the future, the dough is cut into identical diamonds (with a side of 3-4 centimeters).

Before using noodles for the intended purpose, itsnecessarily dried. To do this, the diamonds are laid out on a flat surface and left for several hours. After such exposure you should get fragile egg noodles.

We cook an appetizer

After the dough for beshbarmak is mixed upand cut properly, you can safely proceed with its preparation. To do this, the saucepan with meat broth is again put on the fire and brought to a boil. Then put half rings of onions (2 heads) in the dishes. After cooking the vegetable for ¼ hour, the rhombi from the dough are carefully added to it. And spread this component should be until the broth will not cover it for 2-3 centimeters.

Strongly turning on the fire, beshbarmak prepare forfor 5-8 minutes. During this time, the dough should become soft, but not boil. In this case, it will increase significantly in volume, almost completely absorbing all the meat broth.

At the very end, put the remainder of fresh chopped parsley in a pot.

Mixing all the ingredients, they add previously extinguished meat with onions and carrots. If desired, the dish is additionally peppered and salted, and also flavored with some spices.

Correctly present to the dining table

As you see, in the preparation of a home beshbarmakthere is nothing complicated. Once all the ingredients are subjected to heat treatment, proceed to serving dishes to the table. For this, beshbarmak is laid out on deep soup bowls. And in each portion spread not only meat, but also diamond-shaped noodles with a bit of rich broth. By the way, after cooking on the stove, the liquid should stay a little. After all, this is not an ordinary soup, but almost a second dish.

Having spiced dinner with a lot of fresh greens, it is served to the table along with a spoonful of fatty sour cream and a slice of dark bread.

beshbarmak step-by-step recipe

Simple beshbarmak: step-by-step recipe in the multivark

With the development of technology, housewives are becomingeasier and easier to make different dishes. For example, to prepare a Turkic dinner like a beshbarmak, you do not need to use a cauldron or an ordinary pan. After all, you can make this dish with the help of a multivark. How to implement this process, we'll talk a little further.

So, to make beshbarmak in multivark, we need the following components:

  • chicken soup - whole carcass of small size;
  • onion white bulb - 3 large heads;
  • potatoes - 2 pieces;
  • parsley fresh - a large bunch;
  • 1 juicy carrot;
  • dill fresh - for serving to the table;
  • flour sifted - from 500 g (for the test);
  • eggs raw large - 2 pcs. (for the test);
  • drinking cold water - ½ cup (for dough);
  • spices are different - apply to taste;
  • salt cooked - add to the dish to taste.

Preparing products

How should I cook a beshbarmak in a multivariate? The recipe for chicken is good to use if you want to make not just a tasty, but a quick dish. After all, it is not a secret for anyone that poultry meat is prepared several times faster than beef, veal, lamb or horse meat.

By the way, for the same reason, such a dinner is good to do in a multivark. But before that, you need to process all the ingredients.

Soup chicken carefully washed in cool water,removing all inedible elements. Then, peeled vegetables such as white onions, potatoes and carrots. They cut into fairly large pieces and begin to process greens. It is thoroughly washed and finely shredded.

beshbarmak at home

Cooking dough

Beshbarmak in the multivark is made from the sametest, as in the previous recipe. To do this, mix lightly beaten chicken eggs with drinking water, and then add wheat flour to them. After kneading a tight dough, it is left for half an hour (covered with a bowl or placed in a pouch). After this, the base is rolled into a thin layer, cut into diamonds and dried.

Cooking process

How to cook beshbarmak in a multivark? The recipe for chicken requires the use of a small amount of ingredients. But, despite this, this dish is very nutritious and satisfying.

After processing the components in the bowl of multivarkerslay a small bird carcass, salt it, pour it with water and cook in soup mode for 65 minutes. Then the chicken is carefully removed, cooled and cut into large portions. In this case, it is recommended to remove the bones. Although some mistresses prefer to leave them.

After removing the meat, add the broth to the prepared brothbulbs, potatoes and carrots. Having seasoned vegetables with pepper and other spices, they are boiled in the same program for half an hour. Then they add chopped parsley, rhomboid noodles and chicken pieces. After mixing all the components, the cover of the kitchen unit is closed again. In this form, the Turkic dish is cooked for about 7-9 minutes. At the same time, noodles should significantly increase in size and fill almost the entire cup of the multivark. By the way, she should not be boiled at all. Therefore, a special observation is required for the dish.

How to serve a delicious meat dish to the festive table?

Now you know that you can cook such a dish as beshbarmak, not only with the use of beef, horse meat or mutton, but also with a regular soup chicken.

beshbarmak recipe from beef

After lunch at the multivarquet is welded, itslay out on the bowls (first noodles, but only then meat and broth) and flavored with a large amount of dill. Also fresh bread sour cream is added to the beshbarmak (if desired). Serve this dish to the table along with pita bread, rye cake or a slice of plain bread.

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