/ / How to cook beshbarmak from horse meat

How to cook borshbomak from horse meat

Because I live in Kazakhstan and have a lot offriends-Kazakhs, I know firsthand how to cook beshbarmak. In our family it has long been a tradition to cook beshbarmak for Nauryz and New Year. A few months before, a young stallion and a lamb were looking after in a neighboring state farm. We help to fatten them. But they cut and cut us meat on the farm, because all this has its own peculiarities.

Traditional cooking beshbarmaka does not likehaste. I will try to describe in more detail the whole process of cooking. In a large saucepan pour cold water and dip into it large pieces of horsemeat pulp - adding, for taste, different delicacies from horse meat: stings, kazy, shuzhuk, map. Since the carcass of the horse is only kept frozen, it is difficult, there are other ways of preserving or billet for long-term meat storage.

So, for example, a neck clip on the neck in the neck area, at the level of the lower cervical vertebrae, closer to the shoulder blades, is used exclusively for beshbarmak preparation, and this part is called the pulp.

To beshbarmak turned delicious, it is not enough to know,how to cook beshbarmak, it is still necessary to buy, or make delicacy preparations from horse meat. To prepare the kazy, take meat with ribs, flesh and stuff into a well-washed bowel. They get a kind of sausage, but they do not use it for sandwiches, but to prepare national dishes, boil it, and cut it in a ready-made form on a dish.

Shuzhuk is produced by the smoking method at a temperature60 degrees, drying for several days. For its preparation, take low-fat parts of meat, pour salt, pepper, garlic and stuff into the gut. Get an excellent procurement for preserving meat in large quantities. Smoked and sweets can also be added to beshbarmak.

Some people like to add a map to the beshbarmak, butI do not really like the taste, so we do not use the card at all. A is a card turned and carefully peeled large horse's stomach, peppered with salt and pepper.

While the meat with delicacies stew on low heat, you can prepare a dough - jam.

It is prepared from water and flour of the highest quality witha small addition of salt. No need to use eggs. The dough is thoroughly kneaded, sprinkled with flour and very thinly rolled. It is good to use for this a wide rolling pin, on which to reel a very thin layer of dough during its rolling. Then the dough should be dried for half an hour and then cut into small rhombuses or large squares.

A good landlady must know her secret,how to cook beshbarmak for guests of honor, on a large one, and how - for his family. Ready broth should be filtered, after collecting fat from the surface of the broth in a small saucepan. A small but useful nuance, in order that the broth does not turn muddy, you need to remove the foam several times during the cooking of meat and cook it over low heat. For taste and aroma in the middle of cooking add salt, bay leaf and peppercorn.

In the strained broth from which the meat was taken out, it is necessary to boil the dough for about five minutes.

Remove the ready-made dough from thea great dish - "tobacco." Large pieces of meat and meat delicacies are placed on top and poured with a special fill - a tuzdyk. For its preparation, onions are cut into rings, salt, pepper and rinse for a minute in a boiling fat broth prepared in advance in a small saucepan.

A close friend of the family or son-in-law behind darsharchcut the meat in the presence of guests in small pieces. Strain broth is served in hot cups in the bowls. They eat beshbarmak with their hands, take their meat with their fingers, from a large common dish. Hence its correct name - besbarmak, which means five (bes) fingers. But in modern conditions, many people use plates and cutlery - a fork and a knife.

But, I assure you, eating this dish is much tastier. Really lick your fingers!

I did not dwell on howcook beshbarmak from lamb, it has its own characteristics, is prepared for guests of honor on special occasions. In the western part of Kazakhstan beshbarmak is prepared from sturgeon, in the south, potatoes and carrots are added to the beshbarmak entirely. By the way, potatoes perfectly absorbs fat, which is very important so that there is no overeating. It is very tasty to cook bebarmak from beef with the addition of kazy and a card. But I prefer beshbarmak from horse meat. True, this meat is more expensive, but it is easier to digest, it is digested well and is considered curative.

So try, cook and enjoy!

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