/ / Oatmeal porridge in the multivar "Polaris" - eat properly

Oatmeal porridge in the multivar "Polaris" - eat right

Proper nutrition is becoming more and morepopular. Many people think about the quality of products and how to prepare them. To help the mistresses comes a miracle technique - a multivarker. Cooking food in it is a pleasure. You just need to lay food and turn on the desired mode. What could be better for breakfast than oatmeal porridge? In the multivariate "Polaris" to cook this dish is very simple. Adding various ingredients, you can every time indulge your family with new flavors.

Porridge with dried fruits

Dried fruits give the dish a new flavor. It turns out a delicious oats porridge in the multivar "Polaris". It does not burn, but the consistency can be made any: the more water, the more liquid the dish turns out. To make a viscous cereal, take one glass (special from the multivark) oat flakes (70 grams), 30 grams of dried apricots, 50 grams of raisins, 50 grams of butter, a small spoonful of sugar, 2 grams of salt and 320 milliliters of water. To oatmeal porridge in the multivar "Polaris" turned out better, flakes sift. We boil the water, and dried fruits are washed, dried and cut into small pieces.

Oatmeal porridge in Polaris multivariate
The oil is used to lubricate the wallsbowls multivark, and left the remains on the bottom. Then we pour oats into the bowl, and from above we put dried fruits. Lastly, we infuse boiling water. You can use cold water, but so oatmeal porridge in the multivar "Polaris" will get tastier. Then sprinkle sugar and salt. We put the bowl in the multivark, close and turn on the extinguishing mode. The cooking time is about 20 minutes. Spread the porridge in a plate and enjoy its amazing taste.

Porridge with apples

Amazing fragrance and exquisite taste make itdish is an excellent start for a fruitful day. As a measure, we use a glass with a volume of 200 milliliters. For cooking you need a glass of oat flakes, two glasses of water, a glass of apple juice, two small apples, half a glass of raisins and three tablespoons of honey. To begin with, cut the apples with small pieces or grate them on a grater, and wash the raisins.

Oatmeal porridge in the Polaris multiwool 0517
Oatmeal porridge in the multivariate "Polaris 0517"is getting ready very quickly. We spread the ingredients in the following order: oats, honey, sliced ​​apples and raisins. Then pour water and juice into the bowl and mix thoroughly. Turn on the cooking mode of cereals, and after 20 minutes the porridge will be ready. You can use the porridge cooking mode. In the process of using a multivarche, each hostess chooses more convenient functions.

Oatmeal in milk

Oatmeal porridge in the multivariate "Polaris", recipewhich is presented below, is prepared using milk. Take one multistakan oat flakes, one medium apple, about 20 pieces of raisins, two large spoons of sugar, three multi-cups of milk and butter to taste.

Oatmeal porridge in the multivariate Polaris recipe
Apple cut into cubes and lightly scaldedwith boiling water. Raisins wash and a little grind. Pour the rump into a bowl and pour in the milk. Then we put apples, sugar and raisins. Everything is mixed, we set the cooking mode of milk porridges and wait for readiness. After 20 minutes porridge can be served to the table.

A simple recipe

The simplest, but not less tasty dish requiresminimum number of ingredients. For cooking, you need one glass of oats, half a small spoonful of salt, three glasses of milk and a slice of butter. Milk can be replaced with water. First we pour flakes into the bowl and fill them with water or milk. Then we put salt and butter. Close the lid and turn on the mode of quenching or cooking milk porridges. After the signal, put the finished dish on the plate.

Porridge with berries

There are a lot of cooking options for this dish. It all depends on the extra ingredients that enrich the taste, making it more saturated. It turns out an unusual porridge porridge in the multivar "Polaris". A delayed start allows you to pre-pawn the necessary products in order to enjoy a delicious breakfast in the morning.

Oatmeal porridge in the multicolor Polaris deferred start
But if milk is used, then thisfunction must be done with care. Take two measuring cups of flakes, six glasses of water, three tablespoons of sugar sand, 60 grams of butter, half a glass of raisins, 250 grams of fresh strawberries, 100 grams of blueberries and some salt. First put the cereal in the bowl. Then add the raisins, salt, water and sugar. In the end, we serve the dish with a piece of butter. We set the cooking mode of milk porridges and wait for readiness. When serving, sprinkle with freshly prepared gruel berries.

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